Thinking about getting an MSAR 556...some questions

Number 6

NES Member
Nov 2, 2008
Metro West MA
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I've been thinking of getting a bullpup design rifle for a while and was debating between the FN FS2000 and the MSAR 556. The FS2000 had the advantage of accepting the AR15 mags...but after holding the two, the MSAR just felt better.

Now, my questions:

Is the standard MSAR 556 short enough that I would need the SBR tax stamp?

And how difficult is it to modify pre-ban AUG mags to fit the MSAR? I've heard it's a matter of creating a channel or grove in the Aug mag to accommodate a rail in the MSAR mag well.

Number 6
I've been thinking of getting a bullpup design rifle for a while and was debating between the FN FS2000 and the MSAR 556. The FS2000 had the advantage of accepting the AR15 mags...but after holding the two, the MSAR just felt better.

Now, my questions:

Is the standard MSAR 556 short enough that I would need the SBR tax stamp?

And how difficult is it to modify pre-ban AUG mags to fit the MSAR? I've heard it's a matter of creating a channel or grove in the Aug mag to accommodate a rail in the MSAR mag well.

Number 6

Its my understanding that what MSAR calls their Gen 4 Stg-556s are AUG Mag compatible. Also their new E4 model accepts AR mags.
I didn't want to start a new thread so I woke this up. I am now on a bullpup craze. I am considering an MSAR. I am aware there are 4 variants but proprietary mags do bother me as long as I have a few. There seems to be a large price variance in the MSAR. (900 bucks to about 2200 bucks) I am on the fence with the one on gunbroker for sale in MA it looks awesome but it is expensive because of the limited edition stuff.
Ratworx sells a NY compliant version with 5 - 10 rounders and a muzzle brake. This should also be MA compliant no? Also could I not just buy one of these in NH as long as I have a muzzle brake pinned to it?
I didn't want to start a new thread so I woke this up. I am now on a bullpup craze. I am considering an MSAR. I am aware there are 4 variants but proprietary mags do bother me as long as I have a few. There seems to be a large price variance in the MSAR. (900 bucks to about 2200 bucks) I am on the fence with the one on gunbroker for sale in MA it looks awesome but it is expensive because of the limited edition stuff.
Ratworx sells a NY compliant version with 5 - 10 rounders and a muzzle brake. This should also be MA compliant no? Also could I not just buy one of these in NH as long as I have a muzzle brake pinned to it?

You are welcome to come to the Cape and shoot my special edition any time I have 2- 1 with at least 2000 rds fired without any issues and 1 unfired.

Fred, I might just take you up on that. My only dilema is I would be trying to buy the second one off of you. Have you shot the FS2000? If you have how would you compare?
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