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I'm in the market for a new range toy and narrowed it down to the Shadow 2, but I'm having trouble deciding on DA/SA or SAO. I've held both and thought the trigger was nicer in the SA version. Not by much, but noticeable. Because of that I'm sorta leaning towards getting it. However, I feel like I'm making a mistake since for similar price the optics ready version is available. I don't plan on using an optic but perhaps having the option in the future would be nice? I understand the SA version is not production legal in competitions but I'm not buying the pistol for that purpose. Although, again, having the option in the future might be nice. One minor issue observed is the optics ready doesn't have rear serrations making it more difficult to rack the slide without an optic attached, and doesn't look as cool. Lastly, I feel like the optic ready version is more desirable if I were to someday sell.

So, buy the SA because the trigger is slightly better?... or buy the OR version because that opens up options for the long term? Maybe play with spings to tune the DA/SA trigger?


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