Tips for shooting a .50bmg round?

May 12, 2011
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So MrBB has graciously setup a time with me to shoot at afs his 50 cal rifle, "but qb, your just learning to shoot a .223 going to 50 is crazy!"

Its a 50 and i'll try most things once even if its going to hurt my shoulder like a M* F*er.

The guy who runs afs is now drooling to watch me shoot it lol..

Every guy in the store turns and looks at me when eddy said hey boss, listen to this girls request and see if you ok it.

I show him a pic, and hes like whats that and im like a 50 cal:)

Hes like i think the wall can handle that. Sure lets find out lol.

Im think blanket on the ground prone, with some sort of gel padding between me and the butt-stock?
Have you fired a 12 gauge shotgun before? (with magnum shells?) Most well-braked .50s are "less" than that in terms of recoil.

Given that, the elephant gun calibers are usually far worse because most of those guns are far lighter and don't have muzzle brakes.

FWIW most of them are fired off a bench or prone because they're generally too heavy otherwise.

Watch out for scope bite. It's really embarrassing when it happens during an NES shoot. Good thing I had some liquid bandage in the trunk, it took a few mins to clean up.
Meh... I can shoot the 50 BMG all day. A 12 gauge slug pumpgun hurts more especially with 3 inch shells.

This. That's my 5'4" self over there on the left. I shoot .50's. Our 82A1 feels like my 12 ga with trap loads to me. Nothing to it as far as recoil goes. I've been bruised by shotguns, never by the 50.

As Mark points out, the bolts will bite a bit more, but still nothing to be worried about. I'd double up on ears though. The muzzle brakes on the 50's are LOUD. I find that MUCH more of a shock to the system than the recoil. Try to stand directly behind the gun while others shoot it. The noise is worse directly in line with the channels on the brake.
99.9999% of having fun with .50 is going to be lost to shooting it at 50-75' (I forget how long AFS is) on paper.

You won't even feel it probably due to how loud it will be inside. Make sure to dbl up on hearing protection (foam plugs and headset)
If you are shooting a .50 BMG rifle indoors, definatly double up on hearing protection. Also warn your other range users to do the same.

If there are any gangbangers at the range suggest they go without ear protection so they get the full experience.

QB, if you can handle 50BMG, you can handle the SW 500. :-p

I never got to shoot a 50BMG before. That's another caliber that I would love to tryout next. :-)

- Sent from my broken iPhone.
Best advice is posted above.....Keep Your Face Back From The Scope. Readjust the eye relief if necessary.

Hold the gun tight to your shoulder and don't let it recoil backwards or it will hit you in the face. The recoil is much like a shotgun.
point at target
squeeze trigger

the recoil is offset by the adrenaline and the giggling that follows

FIFY, if you want to pull something write to Pres. Clinton

QB: if you REALLY want to squee.... Track down Acme Armament at the next shoot they bring "The Twins" to :)

From my HTC EVO via Tapatalk
We have an annual Woman's Day at Care Ann whee I go to shoot and the club president brings his 50 BMG, it's a Mauser on steroids. Watched every size woman there fire the beast and AFAIK no one was badly injured.
The comment letting everyone know your going to fire the 50 as the safest place to be when it goes off is behind the shooter.
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What others have said... it is certainly not worse than a 12 gauge. It is more of a giant push than the sharp recoil of a 12 gauge magnum.

The rifle weighs a ton and absorbs a lot. The muzzle break helps a lot.

It's just fun being around someone shooting one. The sound and concussion are amazing. You know there's been a giant explosion nearby.

Again, nothing to be afraid of, but an amazing experience.

Somewhere I have a video of a bunch of us shooting the .50bmg. When my son shoots it you can see the ripple of force move down through his body.
If this going down indoors at AFS can I get a heads up on the time, I'll hang out in the pistol range or watch on camera while it's happening. [smile]
Dench:1997640 said:
QB, if you can handle 50BMG, you can handle the SW 500.

50 BMG is much safer for new shooter than .500.


I'll put nearly anyone game enough to try it behind a 50 Bmg. Especially a semi with no scope. You'll just get a bit of recoil.

The .500 is another beast altogether. Only shooters with good technique. Never ever a new shooter.
Meh... I can shoot the 50 BMG all day. A 12 gauge slug pumpgun hurts more especially with 3 inch shells.

i can attest to this. i blasted the porsche with a full tube of 3" magnum slugs from my persuader. felt like even my brain got rattled around.

atmay also has some slug experience! [laugh]
The .500 is another beast altogether. Only shooters with good technique. Never ever a new shooter.

Yea, with the proper instruction and manageable load it's not too bad either. I've let lots of people (new and experienced shooters) test fire it with minimal accidents [wink]

For the heavy loads I agree you need strong techniques to handle it safely. I'm still getting accustomed to switching between my "semi auto" stance and my "heavy recoil" revolver stance. It takes some getting used to and I need to be mentally aware of it at all times. Hopefully after I break my old habits I won't need to think about it anymore.
i can attest to this. i blasted the porsche with a full tube of 3" magnum slugs from my persuader. felt like even my brain got rattled around.

atmay also has some slug experience! [laugh]

I'd rather shoot two .50's offhand, akimbo style than do that again.
Tuck it in tight. Consider shooting prone vs off the bench - I find that there's less felt recoil prone. It's not that bad, about like a 12 gauge as others have said.
Look at dwarven1's form here. He is doing a very good job of preparing to fire my 82A1.

When he is done he says, "Damn that was fun because I've been taught how to shoot a rifle well. Plus I listened to Adam & Nicole because it is their firearm." [wink]

This is how not to shoot a .50 BMG rifle unless you have done several thousand reps at Finnerty's 500 Magnum Gym.

And this is what a S&W 500 Magnum looks like.
Meh... I can shoot the 50 BMG all day. A 12 gauge slug pumpgun hurts more especially with 3 inch shells.

I'd rather shoot the .50. I hate a 12GA pump. A Saiga, now... MrTwigg's Saiga's recoil is about equivalent to my Garand, I think.

If there are any gangbangers at the range suggest they go without ear protection so they get the full experience.

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