To live again...


NES Member
Jan 3, 2006
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
...after about 20 years!

I got this as an unloved century build from the old barrel of rifles in the back of a gun shop long past. It had one saving grace - a pre-ban Imbel receiver. I took everything off and prepared to operate - then live get in the way... A trip to a well known FAL smith took two years and then some to get a new bolt head spaced but once I got it back... I sat on it for a couple more. A few weeks back, I started to get serious about bringing it back to life - I had all the parts sitting around - I just had to figure what fit... It truly is a frankenFAL but it should F#ck.

BTW - the lower was a machined aluminum piece made by Kaiserwerks in California - they must have been gone for a long time.

it may see daylight on January 1st.

The plan was to shoot today but a few technical difficulties arose... That DSA extreme duty rail is, well. proving to be extremely difficult to align... still going to try for new years...
made a few adjustments here and there and she F#cked on the first date....

for a historical marker, I bought the original rifle from the Rat... bought a case of SA battle packs for $23/140 from him the same day. He threw in the metal can. Those were the days...
Awesome. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot when I built my FAL years back. It was an STG58 upper and Imbel lower that was part of a huge cache of parts kits my father left me before he passed away in 2013.
I sold all of it besides that kit and wanted to build it up and enjoy shooting it, which I still do today. :)
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