Trader Joe's & Sams Club Canned Chicken Review


NES Member
Jan 4, 2010
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Going on CockpitBob's recommendation that Trader Joe's blue canned chicken was better than the average canned chicken.... I decided to give it a try.

Sam's Club canned chicken seems to get the best reviews online - that's what I stock up on.

Sam's Club costs $2 a can, Trader Joe's Extra Premium (blue can) (same size as Sam's) costs $3.29.

Opening Joe's can, it did smell like tunafish, like all canned chicken seems to. The chicken was all white meat, in nice reasonably sized chunks.

I poured out the water, rinsed it, repeated 2 times and then patted it dry. Tasted a chunk and it tasted slightly tunaish. Not as bad as I remember other canned chicken tasting. I then mixed a bowl of chicken and egg-free mayo (this is survival food) and ate the whole thing. It was perfectly fine, I even liked it. It didn't taste like fresh roasted home made chicken salad, but I actually liked it.

To be fair - I didn't rinse the Sam's back when I tried it - will have to try that. I hope that's the only difference as I'm far too cheap to pay an extra $1.29 a can for survival chicken.

Thank you, Bob for broadening my horizons!

Sam's club Review:
OK - I just followed the same procedure with Sams Club chicken. (ie. rinsing several times before eating)
It's all white meat, really big chunks. Both plain, and with my fake mayo it's perfectly fine. I can definitely eat it. It does have a really, really slight tunafishy flavor (more so that Trader's), but for the price, I'd still choose Sam's.
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Go to Costco and buy a whole bbq'd chicken for $5. One of the best buys in the store and very tasty.
Traders is over-rated.

Try the Costco canned chicken I have 3 little kids and they are picky little creeps. They eat the stuff no problems. It tastes clean no weird can taste. Give it a shot.

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