Trigger work on MA glock 23 options

Mar 28, 2011
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Greetings. I bought a Gen 2 Glock 23 from FS about a few months ago. enjoy it a lot. I was wondering if i have options since i'm a MA resident in terms of getting trigger work done by a local gun smith. Looking to smooth out the trigger and make it an easier pull. I know MA has a required 10lb trigger pull and was wondering if there is something I could do about that. Also if you have recomendations on local gunsmiths who could do the work for me and roughly what something like this would cost me.

Thanks in advance.
your Gen 2 likely has a 5.5lb pull, as it is a pre 98 Glock and 5.5lb is the standard weight for Glocks. It is possible it has a heavier pull. Either way, Greg Derr in Marshfield does great work. Google him, he has prices on his website I believe.
I had my trigger done on my mp40c by business end customs and he did a good job at a good price. He also has prices on his website and a member of the forum.
To answer the concern of the OP . . . it is perfectly legal to do what you like with the gun after you buy it. You can have the trigger tricked out to your liking and it is AOK wrt MGLs . . . regardless of when the gun was made.
I had my trigger done on my mp40c by business end customs and he did a good job at a good price. He also has prices on his website and a member of the forum.

Contacted them and they had a very quick reply. I might drop it off this week. Only question is to go with a Carry trigger or Competition. I already have Glock 27 for Carry so now trying to decide what I want.
I know MA has a required 10lb trigger pull and was wondering if there is something I could do about that.
Once again, with feeling, the MA regulations concerning handgun trigger govern what a dealer can sell you, not what you can do, or buy, or possess. You or a gunsmith can change the trigger to whatever you want.

For a Glock, I wouldn't bother getting a gunsmith. Research the trigger options online, buy the parts, and put them in yourself.
There is little need to have a gunsmith do any "trigger work" on a Glock. All parts are widely available and easily installed.
Personally, I like minus connector (ghost connector also works) combined with NY1 spring. It gives a very positive reset, and is only about a 1lb heavier than the standard trigger.
For a Glock, I wouldn't bother getting a gunsmith. Research the trigger options online, buy the parts, and put them in yourself.

+1 on this. I think I can detail strip my Glock in less time than it takes for a field strip of my Ruger MKIII. Not including the mag release & slide lock, you can have any Glock stripped down to individual components in about a minute. Swapping parts is cake.
MA does not have any rules about pull Try firing it for a while if it has new parts in it. The trigger is usually not a huge problem with a Glock. Firing or dry firing about 1k rounds to have all the parts wear in.

I would not pay for a "trigger job" on a Glock other than installing a ghost or a " -" connector.

If you are near central MA Worcester area I would install parts for free if you don't want to do it yourself.
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MA does not have any rules about pull Try firing it for a while if it has new parts in it. The trigger is usually not a huge problem with a Glock. Firing or dry firing about 1k rounds to have all the parts wear in.

I would not pay for a "trigger job" on a Glock other than installing a ghost or a " -" connector.

If you are near central MA Worcester area I would install parts for free if you don't want to do it yourself.

I appreciate the offer. I unfortunatly live in the Boston Area. I'm half and half on this. Seems like a few people recommend doing some work myself and others suggest taking it to a gun smith and get a little work done on it. I guess my issue is i'm a little nervous doing this on my own and screwing something up. The reset for me i'm use too and isn't so bad. the weight of the trigger is where I think my issue is. My buddy has a Glock 27 Gen3 with a 5.5 trigger and I shoot that a lot better than my Glock 23 which has a mass trigger of 10lbs.
I appreciate the offer. I unfortunatly live in the Boston Area. I'm half and half on this. Seems like a few people recommend doing some work myself and others suggest taking it to a gun smith and get a little work done on it. I guess my issue is i'm a little nervous doing this on my own and screwing something up. The reset for me i'm use too and isn't so bad. the weight of the trigger is where I think my issue is. My buddy has a Glock 27 Gen3 with a 5.5 trigger and I shoot that a lot better than my Glock 23 which has a mass trigger of 10lbs.

You have an "MA window glock" then apparently... those are stupidly rare. [laugh] Either that or someone went full retard
and thought they had to make the trigger 10 pounds. ETA: Actually, that isn't a window glock, because those were
all Gen3s.... so the previous owner of your gun must have had an elevator that didn't go to the top, but I digress...

Trust us, though, it's not that hard to fix it. Glocks come apart in like 5 minutes (Well, it's way less than that, but it took me 5 minutes the first time) Out of all the striker fired handguns they are by far the easiest to detail strip and reassemble. You only need a Glock Armorers tool and a piece of copy paper (to test the connector angle).

That said, you will probably need a new connector and a new trigger spring to replace the NY-2 garbage spring that is in there.

If you still don't want to do it yourself, I highly recommend Lou @ BEC. His turnaround is fast and he is pretty knowledgeable.

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Thanks everyone. I'll take a look online and youtube tonight and see if i can man up and do this myself. Appreciate all the feed back. And if i decide to do work i'll probably send it to Lou @BEC as he got back to me very quickly and seemed very knowledgable.
In this case, it really isn't what I would call a "trigger job." A real trigger job involves fitting parts, filing things down, and adjusting the sear/hammer engagement. That truly does require a gunsmith, not a goonsmith like me.

But all you need to do is replace one drop-in part with another drop-in part. No fitting required. So easy a goonsmith like me can handle it.
I'm assuming it was an MA trigger only because It was sold to me in MA. I didn't realize there is such a thing as an NY trigger? Not sure the difference. Sounds like this is a lot easier than I thought. I'm going to look a few videos online and see if I can do this myself. It seems easy enough. Granted i have a bit of a relaxed Brain but I should be able to do this on my own.

Also can someone tell me what the difference is between an MA trigger and a NY trigger for my future reference?
Also can someone tell me what the difference is between an MA trigger and a NY trigger for my future reference?
There is no such thing as a MA Glock trigger. The so-called NY trigger arose because the NYPD specified a higher trigger weight for their guns. It is just a stronger spring that increases the trigger pull from the standard ~6 lbs to ~11 lbs.
I'm assuming it was an MA trigger only because It was sold to me in MA. I didn't realize there is such a thing as an NY trigger?

There never were any "Massiffied" 2nd gen Glocks, ever. Whoever had owned that gun before you went full retard on it, that's what probably happened. (They probably sniffed too many ayoob glue fumes or whatever).

The term "NY trigger" is just Glock's internal name for the parts, because NYCPD requrested that Glock install gay ass parts in their guns to make the trigger pull stupid, so the "code names" for those connectors were "NY1" and "NY2".

Ok everyone...i'm getting the parts and doing it possibly this weekend. I'm out of town so hoping before i leave or when I come back monday. I'll let you know how it goes. I watched about 5 or 6 Videos and it seemed pretty easy.
Look up "25 cent" trigger jobs on you tub. they show you wich places to polish on the gun. Then go to and buy the Ghost 3.5lb trigger 6lb spring. If you want it lighter you can go with the firing pin spring but that can potentially lead to light primer stikes.
N.Y.1 The GLOCK „New York“ trigger has its name from the New York Police Department. It facilitates officers changing from revolvers to pistols. Increases trigger pull weight from 2,5 kg / 5.5 lb. to 4,9 kg / 11 lb.

N.Y.2 The N.Y.2 trigger spring is even harder than the N.Y.1 trigger spring. The user will obtain a continuous very hard revolver-like increase of the trigger pull weight from 3,2 kg / 7 lb. to 5 kg / 11 lb.
There never were any "Massiffied" 2nd gen Glocks, ever. Whoever had owned that gun before you went full retard on it, that's what probably happened. (They probably sniffed too many ayoob glue fumes or whatever).

The term "NY trigger" is just Glock's internal name for the parts, because NYCPD requrested that Glock install gay ass parts in their guns to make the trigger pull stupid, so the "code names" for those connectors were "NY1" and "NY2".


This making all the sense in the world. I assumed because I bought a Glock here in Mass it was a "Massiffied" trigger. This isn't the case and i've now learned bout NY1 and NY2. I just assumed all glocks had a 10lb trigger since they are sold here in MA. This glock is in good shape. I just assumed somethign different. I believe this was a Police trade in.
Guys, Did the work myself last night and you all were right. Pretty easy. Watching a few Youtube Videos helped out. I can already notice a HUGE difference from before. I was glad i did this on my own. Saved a good amount of cash and allowed me to learn a little bit more about my gun. I was also able to go in there and clean a lot of the stuff built up in the frame. I'm taking it tonight to go shooting and see how much of a difference it makes for me in terms of accuracy.
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