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OK - I'll jump into the fantasy world.

Trump finds some way to almost legitimately take silencers off the NFA list and is immediately sued to stop by someone (Maura) - for the children, of course.  While saying Trump's halfassed EO won't work against actual legislation, the Supreme Court realizes that the NFA is unconstitutional from the get go, and all decisions that let is pass are wrong.

Sotomayer has a heart attack writing the dissenting opion.

MGs and silencers are unregulated.

Trump appoints another USSC judge.



You know, for all the harping we do about how great the people in the early 1900s were, they were pretty f**king stupid, too.  Bullshit like the NFA, switchblades and brass knuckles all because people watched bad movies.  You think the war on drugs would have happened without "Reefer Madness?"

Greatest generation my ass.

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