With Democrats licking their wounds after their November drubbing, Republicans now hold the reins on firearm policy — and they must seize this opportunity to solidify gun rights for good.
The Democratic Party is failing on almost every front, including its push for gun control and confiscation. Yet, instead of changing tack, left-wing elites offered up 25-year-old anti-gun extremist David Hogg as the new Democratic Party co-chair, doubling down on the Left’s assault on the Second Amendment. That was a serious mistake that conservatives would be wise to take advantage of with a new gun owners’ bill of rights.One of the 2024 election’s underreported stories is how it put conservatives in the strongest position in the fight over gun rights since President Obama launched his crusade 15 years ago. But change won’t come through Republican complacency. In this golden era of Republican control, lawmakers must identify and address the key weaknesses Democrats have created in their attack against the Second Amendment and safeguard constitutional freedoms permanently — and my new deep-dive report shows how.
Gun policy has become so politicized that many Americans — and, sadly, many lawmakers — have lost sight of the true purpose of the Second Amendment. Our forefathers freed this nation from tyranny through grit and self-determination, recognizing the absolute necessity of enshrining both the right to self-defense and the right to resist oppression. This principle is a cornerstone of protecting the American republic. (RELATED: Gun Ownership Is Not the Cause of America’s Violence Problem)
The Second Amendment stands as the foundation of our freedom, defining America as a beacon of liberty on the world stage. It also serves as a crucial safeguard for every American seeking to protect their family, property, and constitutional rights. (RELATED: Should the People With All the Power Have All the Guns?)
For years, the Left dominated discourse about firearms, flipping the script with media campaigns against “gun violence” threatening our communities. Yet that all-out assault had the opposite effect, as recent polling shows — opening millions of Americans’ eyes to the Left’s true goal of gun confiscation as practiced in Britain and Australia.

Trump Struck a Blow for Gun Rights in 2024. Now We Must Make That Victory Permanent. - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
One of the 2024 election’s underreported stories is how it put conservatives in the strongest position in the fight over gun rights since President Obama launched his crusade 15 years ago. But change won’t come through Republican complacency.