TSA friendly items for the traveling man

Jan 20, 2013
Southern NH
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just curious what some of the survivalists/prepper types pack in their carry on/ on your person for commercial flying (within the US) for travel??? was curious if a multi-tool without a knife/saw on it qualifies as acceptable??? what other items do you always pack when you know your flying? i just think about the idea of what you might have on your person if you were flying for business and the SHTF while your away?
1 quart ziploc bag with those tiny adult beverage bottles. Get a free softdrink on the flight, and add for your enjoyment. cheers!

Hey...you asked.
I now refuse to fly anywhere. The searches executed by the low-brow TSA employees are direct violations of the passenger’s Constitutional Rights. I have a lot of metal in my body and usually get taken to the side and searched ‘closely’. I have also been taken to little side rooms for a little ‘better’ searches. So screw the TSA and their draconian regulations.
You need to stay hydrated on long flights.

Take a six pack of those 16oz water bottles and find a pistol case with the foam not yet carved.

Carve the foam to fit the bottles so they don't break and make a mess.

There's usually room left over, so I try to fit in a few other handy items, like a pair of dykes, a kitchen timer and so on. Make sure each has it's own little carve out so they don't puncture the water bottles.
I now refuse to fly anywhere. The searches executed by the low-brow TSA employees are direct violations of the passenger’s Constitutional Rights. I have a lot of metal in my body and usually get taken to the side and searched ‘closely’. I have also been taken to little side rooms for a little ‘better’ searches. So screw the TSA and their draconian regulations.

I generally 'opt out' rather than going through the scanners. You'll still get pulled aside for pat down, but it won't be as invasive as what you're describing and is done out in the open area (as opposed to a private room).
You need to stay hydrated on long flights.

Take a six pack of those 16oz water bottles and find a pistol case with the foam not yet carved.

Carve the foam to fit the bottles so they don't break and make a mess.

There's usually room left over, so I try to fit in a few other handy items, like a pair of dykes, a kitchen timer and so on. Make sure each has it's own little carve out so they don't puncture the water bottles.
Be sure to add a smoke detector (in case the hotel doesn't have any) A ziploc bag full of whey protein, oh and if you have the room, a wireless doorbell and some extra 9 volt batteries.[rofl]
Anyone can get a knife or multitool past TSA. I've flown a few times with tools left in my carry on from a job site and I find them when I get home. If you're not carrying a bell topped dial alarm clock duck taped to dynamite TSA isn't going to see it. They're idiots.

I once carried on a 14" long piece of Nexen RPS, Roller Pinion rack. It's got 3/4 teeth on it and is made of 3/4" hardened tool steel weighing about 8-10 lbs. The TSA agent took it out of my bag, asked me what it was, said OK and handed it back to me. It's a sample I carry to trade shows.

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I generally 'opt out' rather than going through the scanners. You'll still get pulled aside for pat down, but it won't be as invasive as what you're describing and is done out in the open area (as opposed to a private room).

I had that done, and the TSA agent sneered as they radioed for a "male assist". The dude that showed up then felt up my legs into my crotch, and ran his fingers inside my waistband. This is not a "pat down", it is molestation.
I had that done, and the TSA agent sneered as they radioed for a "male assist". The dude that showed up then felt up my legs into my crotch, and ran his fingers inside my waistband. This is not a "pat down", it is molestation.

I make sure to not brush my teeth or anything until after I go through security. I always opt out. They always explain the operation and ask if you have any sensitive areas. I usually say something like "you mean other then my testicles and head of my penis?". TSA: yes. "In that case, the shaft of my penis too." Bad breath and awkwardness. But those guys have no shame.
I once did not read the fine print and filled a gallon size bag (long ride to AK) with vodka nips. They gave me shit but let me thru. Jack.

With or without the vodka?

I make sure to not brush my teeth or anything until after I go through security...

May I humbly suggest eating Baked Beans and Chili before the flight, too? You may have to do some dry runs to measure the percolation time to coincide with the molestation station, I mean TSA inspection station. An epic case of flatulence while they grope your ass/crotch would make you feel SO much better.

It may not make you popular on the plane, however.
Anything with a "blade shape" can be a no-no for carry-on...depending on who is working that day. I've seen people loose the tiny 1.5" long swiss army knives, cork screws, and other items that could do less damage than a ballpoint pen. They usually aren't to worried about tools though, I've taken screw drivers through several times, along with thermometers with the sharp point probe for getting through insulation.
For "prepper" stuff you know you can get through; cordage, butane lighter, food, etc.
As long as it isn't a blade of any kind you'll probably be ok.
This is just my experience.
Maybe I'm paranoid.

I have a CamelBak day pack that I travel with. Not only does it have a 3L capacity, but I carry a Sawyer filter, USB solar charger, a couple of Clif builder bars, tincture of iodine (for water purification and disinfection), SPF chapstick, and waterless hand cleaner. The reservoir is empty while I travel. The iodine and hand cleaner go in the quart bag with the alcohol shooters at the TSA checkpoint.

I also travel with 2 empty water bottles that I have filled with ice and water once I'm through the TSA gauntlet at a Starbucks or Dunkin'. One for me and one for the wifey. [wink]

Remember, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't trying to get me. [smile]
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glad to see everyone brought their sarcasm with them this wonderful monday morning...... if a possible job oppurtunity opens up for me soon enough, travel is def going to be in the cards. as much as i dislike all the BS that tsa gets away with, but the oppurtunity is much better for pay scale which will allow for much greater oppurtunities for me on the now and later sides of things

i think one of the things im going to try is to do is lop the knife blade off of my spare leatherman and pack it so that it is open in plier mode so that if someone notices it, then it only looks like a pair of pliers and not a multi tool, plus if it does get checked out, there will be no blade to it anyways.

p-14 and jclark, those are def some good suggestions, i love the idea of the usb solar charger, lighter, meal bars and parachord.
Wasn't there a forum elsewhere devoted to everyday carry (edc) (as in not pistol but other survival items)? I'll bet they would have some good ideas for frequent travelers.

If you think about it, the core needs are for food, shelter, water, and protection. With TSA and weight limits you can't really carry much. You might could get an ultralight eVent bivy from sixmoondesigns that weighs about 6 oz, pliers and a coiled survival saw could work for protection, a fire steel and petroleum jelly cotton balls are minuscule weight. The Sawyer squeeze filter is very light but they make an even lighter drinking straw that might be better. You could throw in a dehydrated meal and a very basic first aid kit and you'd have a decent bug out kit that might weigh less than two pounds. Throw in a knife sharpener and you could even sharpen the TSA approved nail file!
I now refuse to fly anywhere. The searches executed by the low-brow TSA employees are direct violations of the passenger’s Constitutional Rights. I have a lot of metal in my body and usually get taken to the side and searched ‘closely’. I have also been taken to little side rooms for a little ‘better’ searches. So screw the TSA and their draconian regulations.

Titanium doesn't trip the old style metal detectors, and neither does lead. The 3D scanners they're using clearly illustrate any metal joint replacements, rebuilds, and other heavy metal residue in soft tissue. What do you have inside of you that's causing this secondary search?
Titanium doesn't trip the old style metal detectors, and neither does lead. The 3D scanners they're using clearly illustrate any metal joint replacements, rebuilds, and other heavy metal residue in soft tissue. What do you have inside of you that's causing this secondary search?

Despite how obvious it may be, and despite having documentation, do you think the TSA is smart enough or even cares? They generally do not. Anything that shows up usually means they do another search. I literally had them do another search because my plainly visible watch showed up.
- Empty Nalgene. Fill up with water and ice post security.
- Spare set of clothes in the carry on.
- Mini first aid kit with the usual over the counter meds.
- CRKT Kiss pocket knife. Use it as a money clip and put it in the bin which goes through x ray, money up obviously. Haven't lost it yet and it's traveled all over the country with me.

I fly monthly.

In my "business/laptop" bag I have one section dedicated to non-business stuff.

25' paracord, multiple bandanas
5+ power bars and other snacks
Powdered Gatorade/electrolyte/caffeinated energy drink mixes
UV Pen water purifier and coffee filters
compass with local and most traveled area maps, emergency whistle
2 drum liners and several ziplock bags
Notebook, pens, sharpee pen
First aid kit with cotton balls and vasaline Chapstick
Work gloves, dust masks
surefire 200 lumen flashlight and 2 other cheapo led lights
Misc wires and spare batteries (think network and USB cables)
USB charger (good for three charges of my phone or other devices)
Cash, silver, etc
nail file (knife sharpener)
SOL space blanket
Deck of cards

Never got more than a cursory glance from TSA. Gal at Disney gave me more of a hard time than any TSA agent.

If you think about it, the core needs are for food, shelter, water, and protection. With TSA and weight limits you can't really carry much. You might could get an ultralight eVent bivy from sixmoondesigns that weighs about 6 oz, pliers and a coiled survival saw could work for protection, a fire steel and petroleum jelly cotton balls are minuscule weight. The Sawyer squeeze filter is very light but they make an even lighter drinking straw that might be better. You could throw in a dehydrated meal and a very basic first aid kit and you'd have a decent bug out kit that might weigh less than two pounds. Throw in a knife sharpener and you could even sharpen the TSA approved nail file![/QUOTE]
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