My condolences to the families and the VB community. I’m afraid this is going to come off as victim blaming but something seems a bit off.
The cops attempted a traffic stop for an expired plate at around midnight. According to the police chief, the murderer refused to yield and a pursuit ensued. There was then a “tussle” and the murderer was able to pull a gun and shoot both officers.
Like many cities, VB has a gang problem, so I suspect the license plate stop at that time of night was a pretext. I have my opinion of such stops and you have yours. Either way, once the perp “failed to yield,” shouldn’t the cops call for backup before engaging? And given the circumstances, why didn’t at least one officer stay behind their cruiser with gun drawn rather than get into a “tussle?”
I’m fine with a COD determination of suicide, even if there’s a coincidental body cam failure.