ummm. One of each please!!!!!!!


NES Member
Aug 12, 2009
North of Boston
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These are supposed to be imported soon. The ATF has given the blessing. I know they are only going to be in the .22 caliber but I think they will be cool plinkers. I will probably never get a chance at the real thing or even a semi auto (in original caliber) because no one is making them. I think the crate that they come in are cool too.
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I am keeping a close eye on the progress of these going for sale. Once I find out more info I will post it. As of right now, they are saying March/April for the STG44. The MP40 is being worked out to either be sold with a longer barrel and be sold as a rifle (not really too keen on that, It wouldnt look right) or to pin the folding stock and sell it as a pistol. If sold as a pistol we most likey will have a hell of a time getting one in Mass due to our wonderful "list". Updates to follow.
I just got this in the mail today

I am glad they updated the stock color. The darker stain looks much better. I am a little dissapointed they changed the style of wooden crate though. I really liked the Wehrmacht crate. I cant complain too much, I am glad they are putting these out. I already made a space for it next to my other warhorses.
I talked to a distributor recently from Westboro (Lew Horton) and I was told that they will be getting a hold of quite a few STG44 .22 rifles when they are available.
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