Update: Post 26 - Class is on ! Petersham Gun Club, Saturday Dec 1st at 1:00 pm

I am extremely interested in this. I have never canned food before so I feel this would be a great introduction with a fine teacher of the craft.
I have read all of your "adventures in canning" but seeing the process in person would allow me to learn better.
Would MRGC be willing to allow the group to use the pavilion for this? I don't even know If that is possible but that would somewhat solve the space issue.
Would MRGC be willing to allow the group to use the pavilion for this?

More than likely with advance notice it'd be great for a meeeting. The real issue if the kitchen is in an enclused building and is even smaller than my kitchen at home. Canning outdoors is possibe and actually is a subject I was going to post on (eventually).

NOt sure where you are but if you need another pressure canner for your class I have a couple you could borrow.

Appreciate the offer but we're good. [thumbsup]

I can look into the use of my church kitchen, I'll let you know

This could be a big help. Thanks.

Everyone else who's posted, stay tuned. I have a feeling this might gain some traction. [smile]
I am interested, but my job sucks for leaving me with a personal life. I will be watching to see what you guys lock down, unfortunately I can't promise anything.

Interested, but in the same situation as Ed.

Me three, my wife and I are very interested, but I'm only free on Sundays and the occasional Saturday afternoon. Athol's not bad for us, 70 minutes at worst.
I'm highly interested. I bought a pressure canner last weekend but haven't actually seen one used yet. It'd be a big help, otherwise I expect some fumbling around and possible screwing up if I just go to it.
OK looks like there's enough interest to get things going.

Let me check with the location provider to see what dates are available.

I'll start the sign up's once I hear back from him.

Watch for it. [smile]
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I would be there.
I would like to can turkey... I believe there may be some good prices coming up on turkey.
I would like there to be an open bar. If your charging for the beer, I would like Coors light on hand.
If its BYOB, I will bring some Coors & Jack Daniels.
Thanks Twigg for doing this. I also bought a canner and supplies but would rather watch and learn before poisoning my family. I definatly want be in on this.

Sent from State prison using contraband cell phone
Class is on ! Petersham Gun Club, Petersham, Ma Saturday Dec 1st at 1:00 pm

Thanks to NES member FTSC for securing a location for us:

Petersham Gun Club. 158 Nelson Rd Petersham Mass We'll be starting 1:00 pm

So as stated before:
There will be a small charge for the event but I'm not interested in turning a profit by running this class, just in educating folks in prepardness.

What every one will take away from this event;

1. The knowledge of how to preserve food at home without refrigeration. This includes not only the canning process but also how and where to store your bounty.

2. A sampling of home canned meats, right out of the jar and as a prepared meal. Note: This is a sampling, not a full lunch.

3. A pint of good yummy pork<-- It's been my observation that pork will can exceptionally well and can be used in many recipies

We recommend you purchase a book on canning and preserving foods before the class or consider taking notes.

Cost of the class will be 15 bucks, this will cover our expenses for the items you will be tasting and bringing home and any extra we'll donate to the Petersham Gun Club for hosting us.

We'll be canning pints to keep the costs down. Who's in ?

We have room for ten singles or couples < ---(max capacity of our canner)
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Excellent, glad this is happening Twigg. Best of luck to everyone, please report back how the experience was, hopefully this will spark more opportunities of teaching and learning!
Before I commit, do you have any idea about how long the class will be?

Also, can you recommend a book on canning?

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