Value of Preban Colt AR-15

Jan 23, 2009
Central MA
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Someone at work is selling his like new preban Colt AR-15. It has a couple goodies I can't remember. I don't know many of the details, I just want to get a round about price of what these are worth so I can figure out if its a good deal or not. Maybe a couple different estimates for a few different "styles".
Depends on whether he's gouging or not given the Obama frenzy.

The "old price" was about $1000-1300 or so, depending on variant and

Given current market conditions, he can probably get way more than

Pre-ban blue Label 6601 NIB value is listed at $1300 outside of MA, at a MA FFL I've recently seen them for $1900.
- A2 Style upper with carry handle and lower receiver.
- 20" H-Bar MP 1/7 barrel
- no bayo lug

Pre-ban blue Label 6250 NIB value is listed at $1500 outside of MA. I know they were going for over 2k at a MA FFL last July.
- Carbine with A2 upper w/carry handle
- 16" MP 1/7 barrel
- Bayo lug

If it's a green box, book value for NIB says $1850 for the 6601 with a bayo lug.
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