Value? Winchester 61 Magnum

May 25, 2008
South Shore, MA
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My father-in-law has a Winchester Model 61 Magnum. It is round barrel, 22 Magnum only. Serial number is 32XXXX. It's in pretty good condition (could use a good cleaning) but the barrel length was modified many years ago. (It was done professionally and looks good, I couldn't tell until it was pointed out to me.) The stock was also shortened.

He might want to sell it, but has no idea of the value. I have seen these priced as high as 2000, but these that I have seen are in factory condition. Also, I don't know what kind of a devaluation should be applied due to the modifications.

It has an interesting history. He was stationed in Alaska in the Army and bought it when he was there from an older gentleman. He used it for rabbit hunting and had quite a bit of success with it. Apparently, the guy he got it from also had used it for a while and had it shortened for easier sling carry for small game hunting up there.

Also, would it make sense to clean this thing up and re-blue it? Would doing so have any negative effect on value?

Does anyone have any idea as to what this could be worth? Is it even worth having appraised?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
I have a 61 (1958) in .22LR. It was my first gun and is in 95% condition.
Mine is worth around $1000

The Magnums carried a premium, but with the modifications to yours it's may have killed the collector value.

You might pose the question on the Winchester forum. There aren't too many folks over there, but they give good answers. Good luck!
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