Valuing an older Shotgun

Look for similar stuff on Gunbroker (Items that actually sold, not "wish-list" prices.)

Bring it in to Ye Local Gun Shop, and be prepared for a low figure - they'd have to re-sell it at a profit.

More or less current "Blue Book" value is $275 for a perfect, 100% Condition gun to $100 for a shooter.

This is for a "regular" hunting-type gun - if it's a riot/ trench gun (short barrel, military markings) then that's a whole other world.

Pix would help, or more info, like overall condition, gauge, etc....

good luck

- this was the current model being sold by Stevens and has a commercial blue finish, but not of the same quality as the other companies. Trench guns are equipped with handguards that have a definite purple/reddish color to the front and dark blue vent. shroud. Model 620s are much rarer than 520s and have "U.S." and ordnance bomb on receiver, ordnance bomb on barrel and unmarked stock. Serial range 1,000-30,000.
Grading 100% 98% 95% 90% 80% 70% 60%
Trench Gun N/A $4,000 $2,800 $1,700 $1,200 $800 $600
Riot Gun N/A $1,800 $750 $450 $400 $350 $250
Long Barrels N/A $600 $400 $250 $200 $175 $150

be sure to check you markings....
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