Walther pk380 and MA compliance....?


NES Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Hey everyone, I'm somewhat new to shooting and also new to posting here on NES, so first off, feel free to move this thread if it's placed inappropriately.

As I understand it, the Walther PK380 is currently not "allowed" in MA due to the fact that it does not appear on the AG's list of approved handguns. However, (according to what I've read) S&W just started shipping these on the 29th of September, and the most recent list from the AG is dated 09/2009. Does this mean that the PK380 could end up being a MA compliant firearm, and simply isn't on the list due to the fact that it just appeared on the market? Or is there another reason/reasons that it is not available?

The reason I ask is that I handled one at a shop in NH and I really liked how it felt in my hand, it was really comfortable to me, and I liked the pricetag too... So, any help/info any of you folks could offer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Hey everyone, I'm somewhat new to shooting and also new to posting here on NES, so first off, feel free to move this thread if it's placed inappropriately.

As I understand it, the Walther PK380 is currently not "allowed" in MA due to the fact that it does not appear on the AG's list of approved handguns. However, (according to what I've read) S&W just started shipping these on the 29th of September, and the most recent list from the AG is dated 09/2009. Does this mean that the PK380 could end up being a MA compliant firearm, and simply isn't on the list due to the fact that it just appeared on the market? Or is there another reason/reasons that it is not available?

The reason I ask is that I handled one at a shop in NH and I really liked how it felt in my hand, it was really comfortable to me, and I liked the pricetag too... So, any help/info any of you folks could offer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Before some of our more...direct...members answer,
The list does NOT decide what is and is not allowed in Massachusetts. Rather, it dictates what may or may not be legally transferred by an FFL. If you find someone who bought it outside of the state and moved in, you could purchase it off them.

S&W seems pretty good about getting their guns on the list, through the hoops, over the river and through the woods. You might have a chance to buy one new, yet. It can take a year or more to get it through.

Welcome to the forum!
Before some of our more...direct...members answer

Your kindness does not go unnoticed [wink]

Thanks for the clarification on what the AG's list actually "means", that's good to know. I'm planning/hoping to move to NH once I finish school in a few years, I might hold off on some purchases until then and just stick to my .22s etc for now for the sake of cheap practice and not having to worry (as much) about all of MA's *wonderful* laws.

Thanks for the help, anyone else's input is also welcomed and much appreciated!
Your kindness does not go unnoticed [wink]

Thanks for the clarification on what the AG's list actually "means", that's good to know. I'm planning/hoping to move to NH once I finish school in a few years, I might hold off on some purchases until then and just stick to my .22s etc for now for the sake of cheap practice and not having to worry (as much) about all of MA's *wonderful* laws.

Thanks for the help, anyone else's input is also welcomed and much appreciated!

Nothing wrong with shooting .22, I just picked one up and love it (despite my recent thread created while trying to clean it). They also are extremely college kid friendly, cheap to shoot, leaving you more money to spend on...education.

Shoot .22, save your pennies and nickels, maybe someone will turn up with one for sale in MA. Watch the classifieds here, things move quickly. Since you are green (way to go!), you can also watch the member classifieds. Maybe something even more awesome will show up. Keep your eye out at local gun shops, as well.

ETA: Be prepared for the thing to have some sort of crazy MA features if S&W ever ships it here, such as a 65 pound trigger and 20 different gizmos and wizbangs added to keep you from slaughtering innocent puppies and kittens (and the children...think of the children!)
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Haha yeah, I figured if anything, half the reason the PK380s weren't available here yet was poor S&W trying to find enough space on the things for all the doo-dad's and indicators and safties etc etc etc. If nothing else, I guess I'll just let this thread live on as education for MA-compliancy-challenged folks such as myself [wink]
Haha yeah, I figured if anything, half the reason the PK380s weren't available here yet was poor S&W trying to find enough space on the things for all the doo-dad's and indicators and safties etc etc etc. If nothing else, I guess I'll just let this thread live on as education for MA-compliancy-challenged folks such as myself [wink]

I believe they have to submit several to the state for some sort of testing, including metallurgical and safety checks. This isn't something that is completed swiftly. There is also some additional development time, such as the modification of the sear in the PPS giving it it's 17# trigger. Companies may wait to see how it does elsewhere before spending the money and effort associated with getting a gun okayed by the AG.

The MA "compliance" thing comes up quite a bit. If it is not an NFA (see the NFA subforum in the Firearms forum), and as long as it doesn't have a post-ban mag that holds 11+ rounds (ban is sometime in 94 or 98...I always forget, none of my guns take mags that size so I don't really pay attention), and as long as you transfer it face to face with another resident of MA, you're golden. Easy as that [thinking]
FYI: a month or so ago I contacted S&W regarding the PK380 and Mass Compliance. I was told that it has been submitted to the state for testing and the process takes about 90 days. My understanding is the PK380 is the excat same pistol as the P22 with the exception of the larger barrel to
accomodate the larger round. So hopefully it will be a "no brainer" for the state, not sure it'll be that simple for the state!!!
FYI: a month or so ago I contacted S&W regarding the PK380 and Mass Compliance. I was told that it has been submitted to the state for testing and the process takes about 90 days. My understanding is the PK380 is the excat same pistol as the P22 with the exception of the larger barrel to
accomodate the larger round. So hopefully it will be a "no brainer" for the state, not sure it'll be that simple for the state!!!

I just got an email back from Smith & Wesson stating that the Walther PK-380 HAS PASSED MA Testing and will be added to the list the next time it is updated!!!!
A few corrections (and welcome to the forum):

- Testing is done by independent labs, not by the state. Results are submitted to GCAB which accepts them (generally) then recommends approval to the Secretary of Public Safety. The Sec. of PS is under NO OBLIGATION to accept the recommendations, nor does he have to accept/reject within any particular amount of time. I was just told (don't recall who) that >60 "new guns" with GCAB recommendations for approval were sent to the Sec of PS MANY MONTHS ago with no action taken to date. NO idea if this is true or not, just passing it along. [BTW: Almost every MA approved test lab also tests for CA and if both states' testing is done at the same time, the marginal cost for MA compliance testing and time is minimal. Modifications if needed are another story altogether.]

- The List you refer to is issued by EOPS and only covers 1/2 the equation. Mfr also has to self-certify that the gun meets the AG Regs as well. The AG does NOT provide guidance, approval or any List . . . only dis-approval in the form of threatening letters with civil fines/threats of legal action to the mfr and dealers.

- One can possess almost any handgun (only exception is the AWB issues and large-cap mag issues . . . magic date is 9/13/1994 for those to be grandfathered). The prohibitions that started the discussion in this thread are ONLY APPLICABLE AGAINST A DEALER doing a transfer . . . NOT against any citizen/subject possessing the gun.
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