Wanted resource for determining value of pre ban firearms

Apr 18, 2010
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The bulk of my collection was purchased prior to 1994. As such, items like NIB SAA Colts that can no longer be sold in MA command a very different price in MA than a typical Blue Book value. Any thoughts on how best to determine MA value?????? Thanks
Whatever the market will bear.

Pre-ban AR's can be had for anywhere between ~$1100-$1800. Depending on make, model, condition, etc...

Check the classifieds to see what the going rate is.
Whatever the market will bear.


Be aware, though, that in recent years the market has softened up considerably with regards to "Non Compliant" handguns. There are less people around willing to pay stupid prices for things. Something like an SAA is going to be worth decent money anyways, due to its relative overall rarity, ignoring all the compliance BS. (Or at least this is the impression I get when seeing used colt revolvers for sale, even in free states.... everyone wants a pretty penny for them. )

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I generally see about 15-20% over normal free state value... if its a real gem it could be more then that.
That being said you usually can only get the asking price if its on somebody's must have list. If you want to move them quick I would say 5-10% is fair value for your most common.
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I could not find a place on this forum/website for a "Price Check" request?

Is there a "Price Check" option in classifieds that I just cannot find? Don't want to post if not acceptable. Your thoughts and thanks to those who have responded to my earlier question.

It depends on demand. People will pay as much as $850 for certain glocks. Jericho pistols, however, won't take a markup. If theres something specific, maybe you could just post it in this thread and we'll give you our $0.02.
They are just like everything else. You can only get what someone is willing to pay for it. One thing people fail to consider is asking price vs. the sale price. Just because someone is asking $1200 for a Glock doesn't mean they are worth it or are even going to get close to it.
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