Wanted robbers pistol whip Fall River store clerk; take cash, cigarettes, cookies

Why do all these stores seem to have video cameras out of the 1970s. The quality is awful... Buya good camera man. They're cheap. there's no excuse.

Seriously. They make cheap trail cams that have quality 1000x better than this. There's no excuse for not having a decent set of store cameras anymore.
Seriously. They make cheap trail cams that have quality 1000x better than this. There's no excuse for not having a decent set of store cameras anymore.
I was just saying this the other day, a neighbor put up cameras in his garage from harbour freight and I was surprised at how good the picture quality was.
Perp is clearly wearing a Fremen Stillsuit so,... Paul Atreides?

I have to be honest - if you're going to rob a stop'n'rob, the best thing to wear is what EVERYONE is wearing. Makes identification near impossible. Esp. if you dump the coat after.

It's the Puffy Coat Bandit!

It also helps to wear blurry makeup as well, as this man did.
When I first saw the pic it was loading very slow, so I thought the bad guy was in the upper right corner wearing a police cap and sporting a Hitler mustache... using his hand and fingers as a gun. Time for new equipment...

I get the pistol-whipping. I get the cash and the smokes. But for the love of God, some dolt stole nasty-ass convenience store cookies????
I’m guessing the owner of the shell station doesn’t spend more on cameras because it’s not him being pistol whipped and he likely has insurance. In fact it’s probably company policy that the poor minimum wage bastard working there isn’t allowed to be armed.

Obviously it doesn’t apply in a situation like this one where the perps are masked. But I’ve often wondered (especially with bank robberies more than gas stations) if the pictures are blurred by law enforcement on purpose. Odds are the suspect has priors and someone within the PD might recognize them from previous interaction, so I figure releasing a burry useless picture potentially brings the scumbag out of hiding and makes locating him for arrest that much easier.
Of course in reality this is probably me just over thinking how a place like a bank could possibly invest in anything other than top of the line HD equipment.
Oh gosh. I'm listening to some podcast on the tech of Dune. I may have to re-read it. It's only been, like, 35 or so years since I did. I recall reading it, then talking to my-now-wife (then g/f) about it. I somehow missed all sorts of plot points. Listening to these guys on the podcast, I missed even more - like how there was no tech because of a tech uprising afterwhich they destroyed all robots and computers and such. ?????

I'm about 2/3 the way through The Shining right now. I might put Dune on my list of re-reads.
I’m guessing the owner of the shell station doesn’t spend more on cameras because it’s not him being pistol whipped and he likely has insurance. In fact it’s probably company policy that the poor minimum wage bastard working there isn’t allowed to be armed.

Obviously it doesn’t apply in a situation like this one where the perps are masked. But I’ve often wondered (especially with bank robberies more than gas stations) if the pictures are blurred by law enforcement on purpose. Odds are the suspect has priors and someone within the PD might recognize them from previous interaction, so I figure releasing a burry useless picture potentially brings the scumbag out of hiding and makes locating him for arrest that much easier.
Of course in reality this is probably me just over thinking how a place like a bank could possibly invest in anything other than top of the line HD equipment.

That's pretty much the attitude .
Hose the floor down and get another liberal arts major behind the counter ASAP.
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