Wanted: Savage model 69 RXL manual

Sep 29, 2008
North Shore MA - Inside 128
Feedback: 49 / 0 / 0
I'm looking for a manual - paper or digital - for a Savage 69RXL pump shotty

I'm mostly looking for the parts diagram and exploded view - any info on comparability would be appreciated too.

I have a parts diagram I can email you. If you are trying to break it down, the You Tube video in the other post is very good. The key is that the butt stock has to be removed before you can remove the trigger group. Also, if you take it apart, do not take the trigger group apart. They are very hard to reassemble correctly.

Do you have as specific problem you're trying to fix?

The 67E is pretty much the same gun and most parts are interchangeable.
An extractor broke - the one on the ejection side of the bolt - Numrich lists a complete bolt assembly, I'll probably buy one and the parts to rebuild the original bolt for a spare and practice.

GaryS - PM inbound

Thanks Gents
I accidentally removed one of my extractors and it's a PITA to get back in. I ended up using a flat screw driver blade to push back against the spring and get it seated.

An extractor broke - the one on the ejection side of the bolt - Numrich lists a complete bolt assembly, I'll probably buy one and the parts to rebuild the original bolt for a spare and practice.

GaryS - PM inbound

Thanks Gents
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