Warning from Hodgdon


NES Member
Feb 23, 2014
GA; (CT escapee)
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Was just on Hodgdon's site looking up some load data, and this was front and center from the landing page:


Hodgdon has recently become aware of multiple websites that are illegally using our trademarks to impersonate Hodgdon online. These websites offer powder and other reloading components for sale, but will only accept peer-to-peer payment options like PayPal, Zelle or Venmo. These payment options do not allow the consumer to protest the charges if product purchased is not delivered.
Hodgdon encourages consumers to always ensure they are dealing with a bona fide company online. For example, you can call Hodgdon at 913-362-9455 (this number is listed on our website and is answered by Hodgdon Technical Specialists) or email us at Help@Hodgdon.com and verify our website addresses. Also, Hodgdon will only take a credit card as payment and will only ship to a US mailing address.
Hodgdon will continue to take legal action against these websites for attempting to use our Trademarks illegally.
If you have any questions or complaints about a website defrauding consumers attempting to order reloading components, please contact the FBI or the FTC.
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