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We are proud of the Guys..

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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Sorry if this is getting to be too much. But I know that Mrs. WW and I are just really proud of our family memebers that have left to go over seas.

Anyway, here is a link to their Company Website.


If you look through, there are pictures all over this site. There are some from the sendoff that we went to the other day. And, there is one of Me, my wife, and Paul. That one I truly don't know how it got there. Unless one of our other famly memeber sent it in. I know that neither Nicolle or I sent that one to them.

Anyway, it's a nice site with some fun shots of the Company during some training, at home, and at the sendoff.

Hope that you all enjoy.

I didn't know whether to post this here, or in General. So I figured that it would be safe to just post here.
Thanks. That is a nice website. I'll be sending some stuff (CD-Rom's and info) down to Alan, I'll make sure and send 2 copies of the stuff, the second copy for your son.
C-pher, please don't apologize!

Very nice website.

We owe more gratitude as Americans to our fine young men/women who defend our Country than we can possibly express.

We're all proud of them.

Keep it up!!
Christopher - it's never too much. Don't apologise and don't stop posting stuff. Cripes...if I had any family serving, my post count would be in the 5K range by now. [lol] [lol]
Nickle said:
Thanks. That is a nice website. I'll be sending some stuff (CD-Rom's and info) down to Alan, I'll make sure and send 2 copies of the stuff, the second copy for your son.

Brother-in-law. He's only 10 years younger than me. It would be nuts if I had a son at that age. Although I think I might have been more popular in middle school... [shock]


And my poor wife. She always says that she feels like a miget because everyone is so much taller than her. Yes, she's standing up. She tells me that from now on we have to be sitting when we take a picture.
Yea, but I still don't want to get out of hand. I have TONS of shots from this thing. I think that I took over 50 on my camera, then video. Which I still have to download off the Video Camera. Then there's the film that we took.
Well between what I took on sons camera, Glenn, and my brother,I think we might come close. Only we didn't have video. Didn't even think on that one. The site will also periodical be updated as the guys send picture too. They sent 8 cameras with the unit,so that we can see some of what they are doing.Plus what we get from family members too to add.
Thanks everyone too.
I can definately relate to the "too many pictures, but want to share them all" problem! I have about 10-15 CD's full of pictures that Brett brought back from Iraq with him. A lot of them I'm not allowed to share, but they are great pictures. Not all of them pleasant, but definately show what's really going on over there!

In addition to the CDs I have developed about 15 disposable cameras, and have more that I need to take in. Half of those pictures I wanted to scan and post on our website, but my scanner died...

Combine all of that with three large boxes full of various stuff that he collected while there and mailed home, and I feel like I'm being overun at the moment! Since I'm not sure what to do with a lot of it, I'll probably just pack it up and stick it in the closet until he comes home again. I hope he doesn't collect as much this time around!!!
Get the pictures done at Wally World (WalMart) and they can do a CD-Rom for you at the same time. No need to scan, then.

IM Chris (not C-pher), and ask him if he may be willing to scan them when you come over. He may be able to do that for you.
MrsT,I am starting a scrap book for Alan,so as I get the pics,I'll be adding them to that. I know when he's been out awhile he'll want to look back on it. I'm afraid of what Alan will send back. [lol]
I had grand ideas of doing a scrapbook for Brett too...everything ended up in a box, and is still waiting for me to get it put together! [oops]

Things in our house are still in a bit of chaos...due to various circumstances...I am just now getting around to unpacking boxes that have been sitting in the back of the closet for the 4 years that I've lived in Maine...I am hoping that by the time Brett comes home this time, other than his stuff that I don't know what to do with, the boxes and piles will be gone, but in order to do that, I've had to put scrapbooks and other projects on hold for right now...I suppose as long as I do it someday it'll be ok.
Ah, just pick away at it little by little. It will get done. I figure I have all this time to do it now. It will give me something else to do.
CVS does that as well. If you tell them, they will develop your pictures and put them on a CD at the same time. It's pretty nice.

And speaking of pics from when they are over there. Mabye we should have a thread for that one as well.

I have one now of his best friend that was one of the first groups to go over. He's the one with the picture of him in Saddam's Throne. Which I'm still waiting on. But I have one of him fishing off the back of his house.

I'll post that one.
I have to get them posted to my website first...too many projects, not enough time!! Maybe after my last day of work, which is Aug. 29th, I'll have time to do all of these things.

I'll post what I can.
We heard from Alan last night. They have been busy and they are getting used to wearing their gear all the time. He said he hates Ft.Dix,and decided Ft. Leonardwood was better. He'll really hate it by the time he's done there too. He sounded really good and he gave us a shopping list of things to get him since he can't really get to the PX. He found he has to go out where the humvees are in order to get cell phone coverage.
Thanks Derek. Since they don't have time to go to the PX,I think there are going to be quite a few going through Nicotine withdrawal. That was big on Alan's list to send him. We're making a run to NH. They've been doing their PT at night since it is cooler. He likes the new boots that were issued,said they feel like they were already broken in. They didn't get the new digital cammies,which he was glad of. They told him they will get those when they get back though. [lol]
:) Sounds about right on par for Ft. Dix and the deployment process! Hope he learns to like "Haji" cigarettes...it gets expensive to ship Marlboros! ;)

I remember hearing that a lot of the cell phones didn't work at Dix, so even though he's out with the humvee's, at least he can use it!

I've seen the new digital uniforms, and the soldier wearing it said it was much better than traditional BDUs. The patches were stuck on with velcro, so no more bleeding fingers from trying to get a needle through the patches for me!!! :) I'm not sure when Brett's unit will get them though. He loves his DCU boots too...he's already had to re-sole one pair because he wore them out!
Hi Mrs T. We were originally told they thought Cingular didn't work,but he called last night and even sounded really good. See what happens when they go to the field. As far as the cigs and dip,if we have to we'll keep sending [wink] . Bleeding fingers,nope I use my sewing machine. I have an older singer that sews through anything. Tank might get them when he comes back. Thats what they were telling Alan's unit they'd get them on their return. It would beat paying 80 dollars a pair.
I should add nothing about Ft.Dix surprises us,hubby and I went through basic training there. We warned Alan. Especially about the planes flying in and out of Maguire AFB,and not being able to hear your SGT's and not to assume what they thought they heard. [lol]
Yea, we heard from Paul last night as well.

He was saying that they've been working no stop since they got there. He was saying that last night they cut PT so they could get about 8-9 hours of sleep. He sounded tired form what I could tell. As I didn't try to talk to him and let him talk to his wife.
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