Hoping for some suggestions. My best friend since childhood is getting married and I would like to buy him a firearm as a wedding gift. Moving in with his new wife and starting a family soon he will now be responsible for them and for protecting them. He isn't a "gun guy" per se meaning he doesn't own any now bu he has expressed interest and has a license. No real preference as to whether it is a rifle or shotgun or semi auto or revolver as I know he would appreciate any of those, but I am trying to figure out an affordable yet new firearm to buy him. At first I was thjnking a 1911 but even the Remington and Rugers are in the 700 dollar range which is out of my budget right now. I also considered a personalized henry goldenboy which ends up at about 700 and possibly a mossberg silver reserve or ruger 10/22. Then I was thinking a revolver. Anyways, All I really wanted to do is keep it in the sub 600 dollar range and avoid any polymer semi autos (I know glocks and M&Ps are great but id rather give him something more traditional looking rather than more tactical). Any suggestions?