What’s your favorite club on the North Shore?


NES Member
Dec 31, 2019
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I live in Hamilton and looking for a good club. Closest ones to me are: Ipswich Fish and Game, Hamilton Wenham Rod and Gun, Cape Ann Sportsman Club, and Danvers Fish and Game.
Ipswich and HW are closest but seems like Cape Ann and Danvers have better amenities. I have small kids and very limited time to myself so Cape Ann’s 24hr indoor range seems appealing.
What clubs do you guys like up this way? I would like to stay away from clubs with super-fudd rules like no AR’s or something like that.
Andover Sportsmen's Club in North Andover (Harold Parker State Forest) has a 24 hour indoor pistol range, is fudd free and doe's not require range officers to be present when shooting.
I've shot there a few times as a guest, it's nice. I've been thinking about joining. A while ago I heard they were going to build a 300yd range, do you know if they ever did it?
Not sure if woburn counts as "north shore" but the mass rifle club is great. 24/7 25yd indoor range, trap/clay field, axe throwing/archery, 50 yd outdoor pistil/rifle range, 200 yd rifle range, 25yd air/rim fire range. Outdoor shooting is subject to daylight hours, but you can shoot whenever you like - their onboarding process is thorough but they treat members like adults for the most part which is nice. Yet to run into any fudds, but considering how rifle-friendly they are i imagine there are few. They have alot of events open to participation, and do breakfast on Sundays.
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