What do you prefer for a CCW DA/SA SAO DAO? And why?

Oct 8, 2008
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What do you prefer for a CCW DA/SA SAO DAO? And why?

Myself, I'm still trying to decide if I feel comfortable enough to carry SAO.
If I were to carry it would be a single action 1911. I shoot them best and it packs one hell of a punch on the target.
Either single-action or striker fired light DAO (M&P in my case). I'll probably add a DAO revolver at some point
I shoot Glocks the best. So I carry a Glock 26. Or a 19.

Their legendary reliability and toughness don't hurt either [smile]

I also carry a S&W Model 60 when I can't carry a Glock.
Glock 26 for me.
Tiny. Good round capacity. Lightweight. Ultra reliable.

I have an aversion towards carrying my 1911's but I love them.
I just don't feel comfortable carrying SAO.
Sorry, I didn't say anything in my first post about the why. I don't like DA/SA pistols because I don't shoot them well. The first shot is probably the most important, why would I want to make it more difficult?

I had a slight initial aversion to carrying a cocked and locked single action. Then I carried it C&L with an empty chamber for a day or two. The hammer never dropped, so I loaded up and never thought about it again.

I don't understand people who are afraid of carrying 1911s but carry a Glock. For a 1911 to fire, 3 things have to happen. The grip safety must be depressed, the thumb safety must be disengaged and the trigger must be pressed. The only thing needed to fire a Glock is to press the trigger. Carrying a Glock is like carrying a 1911 with the safety off and the grip safety pinned.
I had a slight initial aversion to carrying a cocked and locked single action. Then I carried it C&L with an empty chamber for a day or two. The hammer never dropped, so I loaded up and never thought about it again.

Good call, this was exactly what I plan to do if I decide on the 1911.

I don't understand people who are afraid of carrying 1911s but carry a Glock. For a 1911 to fire, 3 things have to happen. The grip safety must be depressed, the thumb safety must be disengaged and the trigger must be pressed. The only thing needed to fire a Glock is to press the trigger. Carrying a Glock is like carrying a 1911 with the safety off and the grip safety pinned.

That statement made me feel allot more at ease. I didn't realize there was also a grip safety. Is this with all 1911's? (Or at least the SW1911)
That statement made me feel allot more at ease. I didn't realize there was also a grip safety. Is this with all 1911's? (Or at least the SW1911)

If it doesn't have a grip safety, it's not a 1911. Ultra purists will take issue with the fact that the SW1911 grip safety also operates a firing pin safety, but I think that's a good thing. I think it's a better choice than having the trigger do it like on a series 80 Colt.
I carry 1911. Not exclusively, but mostly. Also Makarov, and S&W 36.
Some will say that it's unwise to carry different guns at different times, reasoning that you confuse your muscle-memory handling different safeties, trigger styles, grip angles etc... It doesn't seem to be an issue for me. (hopefully I'll never have to test my response time in a sudden life/death situation).

I carried a G19 years ago. I tried it, and just didn't like the gun. They are well made and reliable guns, just not my style. I don't like the triggers on them either.
Primary is a Kimber Compact -- SAO. I shoot 1911s better than other guns and they are slim and relatively easy to conceal.

When the Kimber Compact is too big, I carry a Kahr PM9 -- striker-fired.

I don't care for DA/SA. I don't shoot them as well as SAO or striker-fired. YMMV.
Lately I've been trending towards "Assisted DAO" systems like HK LEM (What I carry now basically) or a Glock.

I've used all the common trigger systems, though. I still own several guns
that are SA/DA, and 1911s which are SAO. When I carried my officer's
model, I used to carry it in C1.

I will freely admit to not being able to make up my mind about "which system
is best" however. I can't bring myself to say "Oh, well, I don't want to buy
that because it doesn't have the trigger I want"

I'm a DA/SA person, Beretta M9.

Big and bulky, but, hey, I'm not exactly small, and it does hide well. And, I'm a pretty decent shot with one. I ought to be, an M9 was my assigned weapon for 4 years of my military career.
I don't want to add fuel to the fire here... I really don't. But if I need a gun to shoot in SD I want as few potential issues as possible. A glock... you pull the trigger. A 1911 will not fire for me without the correct grip. Mostly happens when strong or weak hand only shooting. I want NO safeties. I've had brain farts/mistakes in competitions with 1911... never with a Glock.... just pull the trigger. This is just my opinion.
I have three guns I could possibly carry, a commander size 1911, Sig 229 and Kahr PM9.

I'm fine carrying any of them based on action but the PM9 gets carried 95% of the time because of the size.
SW 1911 is my primary. I consider the 1911 probably one of the safest designs ever built..even cocked and locked.

I carry a SW jframe DAO when the 1911 is not practical (not often tho). I do not like DA nearly as much as SA. I want accuracy on that first shot.
I have put away my large 1911 for an DAO SP101 snubbie with repacement springs and Hogue grips. Much more comfortable.
It carries very well and an extra speed loader fits in a cargo pocket.
Occassional substitute is a Beretta 85SF .380. The smaller Beretta is DA on the 1st round and has the best DA trigger I've found on an auto.
What do you prefer for a CCW DA/SA SAO DAO?

Yes. (^_^)

Because not every tool fits every job.

Seriously, the action does not bother me all that much. I'll just as soon carry a 1911 variant (SA) as I will a S&W Centennial (DAO). It's all in how much you practice and feel comfortable with the gun. Find the gun that works for you and then become as skilled as you can with it.
I prefer that the trigger pull is the same every time, and I'm not real fussy how that happens. I've carried a 1911, P7M8, G27, Sig 2340 and now an M&P. My least favorite of the bunch is the 2340 because of the DA/SA trigger. I haven't had to carry one, but I'd bet I'd like a DAO better than the DA/SA trigger.

If I had to pick a favorite, I'd go with the P7M8. If it were a P7M10, I'd still be carrying it.
I like DAO just because there are no safeties I have to remember to disengage. I know I could train myself to do so but why train myself on a new gun when I am perfectly capable with a DAO and it is reliable and easy to conceal.
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