What is the story on buying / building a short barrel rifle in Mass?

Feb 19, 2008
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If I have a class iii, what is the process for legally owning a short barreled rifle in Mass? How long does it take? Do you have to get permission from your police chief? What gets registered? The receiver or the whole gun?
In Ma it is legal to build one,
I believe it is different with a SOT than an Individual/trust. Class 3 SOT is a NFA dealer correct? And I believe a Class 2 is a manufacturer?
If you do it as an individual you just get the receiver you want, apply for the NFA tax stamp, pay your $200 and wait and then get it engraved to NFA standards. It takes however long it takes. Mine took 60 business days for a trust.You do not need permission from your police Chief, you do notify whoever you use as a cleo once the paperwork is approved. (Cleo= certified law enforcement officer) You just send their copy to them it is notification you built it only.
Only the Receiver gets registered and depending on the type of gun you can have different uppers for it which is nice. If it’s like an MP5 for instance the receiver is the upper with the barrel but an AR you could have multiple uppers in different calibers and lengths. You still need to abide by the AWB so fixed stock and pinned muzzle most likely unless you are a SOT building it to sell you may be allowed vs a regular person..
I think a class3 you can only sell NFA items not manufacture them.
If you are a Class 2 SOT/manufacturer I believe you just “manufacture” it and then notify the ATF that you made it. There are plenty of dealers on here who i’m sure will chime in.
I just got two SBR stamps back as a trust in the last 4 days but that’s not as a Class3 dealer.

Edited: In Ma and for my fat finger spelling.
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This thread should help

This thread should help
I think some of that thread needs updating, possibly there may be updates along the thread pages but some of that first page has definitely changed.
In Ma it is legal to build one,
I believe it is different with a SOT than an Individual/trust. Class 3 SOT is a NFA dealer correct? And I believe a Class 2 is a manufacturer?
If you do it as an individual you just get the receiver you want, apply for the NFA tax stamp, pay your $200 and wait and then get it engraved to NFA standards. It takes however long it takes. Mine took 60 business days for a trust.You do not need permission from your police Chief, you do notify whoever you use as a cleo once the paperwork is approved. (Cleo= certified law enforcement officer) You just send their copy to them it is notification you built it only.
Only the Receiver gets registered and depending on the type of gun you can have different uppers for it which is nice. If it’s like an MP5 for instance the receiver is the upper with the barrel but an AR you could have multiple uppers in different calibers and lengths. You still need to abide by the AWB so fixed stock and pinned muzzle most likely unless you are a SOT building it to sell you may be allowed vs a regular person..
I think a class3 you can only sell NFA items not manufacture them.
If you are a Class 2 SOT/manufacturer I believe you just “manufacture” it and then notify the ATF that you made it. There are plenty of dealers on here who i’m sure will chime in.
I just got two SBR stamps back as a trust in the last 4 days but that’s not as a Class3 dealer.

Edited: In Ma and for my fat finger spelling.
A class III is a machine gun license in Mass. Not an FFL.
Ah sorry I thought you were referring to term people use for someone who deals with NFA firearms but doesn’t manufacture them.
A class III is a machine gun license in Mass. Not an FFL.

There is no such thing as a "class III" license/permit/whatever so you might want to stop repeating it lest you confuse the shit out of people. "Class III" is an abused term in NFA circles that rarely means what you think it means. "Class 3" is supposed to only refer to a SOT-paying class of FFLs that have a specific set of licenses that also include ability to deal in NFA firearms. It doesnt refer to the guns themselves legally or anything like that (or at least, it shouldn't) .
There is no such thing as a "class III" license/permit/whatever so you might want to stop repeating it lest you confuse the shit out of people. "Class III" is an abused term in NFA circles that rarely means what you think it means. "Class 3" is supposed to only refer to a SOT-paying class of FFLs that have a specific set of licenses that also include ability to deal in NFA firearms. It doesnt refer to the guns themselves legally or anything like that (or at least, it shouldn't) .
That was my mistake thinking he was a dealer.
In MA a SBR is a "firearm", not a "rifle" or "shotgun". Posession is covered by the laws applicable to "firearms", which means a SBR may be carried concealed or openly like a handgun. File that one under "good luck with that if you do so".

The Federal stuff is additional. In addition to all the stuff about the Form 1 (make) or Form 4 (transfer) it is worth noting that SBRs are banned in many states (RI and NY included), and even when legal, cannot be taken out of the state they are registered in without an approved form 5320.20.
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