White Paint Used On US Military Weapons

Feb 25, 2013
Communist Wealth of MA
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I've searched and searched and can't find the answer. If this by chance is a dupe my appologies.

Does anyone know what the specific type of white paint, (if paint is a correct term) that is used on US military weapons/rifles both relic and modern?
jeez, ya think this stuff would be good for replacing the white dots that fall out of the m&p's? i've tried florescent paints and they're crap.
Back when people engraving their names on skis was still a thing, it's what we used to color the engravings. It would last the life of the ski, but it's not as harsh an environment as on firearms. Smear into the engraving, then use a rag dampened with solvent to wipe the paint stick off the surface, leaving behind the colored engraving.
Back when people engraving their names on skis was still a thing, it's what we used to color the engravings. It would last the life of the ski, but it's not as harsh an environment as on firearms. Smear into the engraving, then use a rag dampened with solvent to wipe the paint stick off the surface, leaving behind the colored engraving.

Remember the old Steve Martin bit about freaking out strangers on ski lifts by pretending you know their name? "I did this to a guy last week, and he thought I was nuts. His name was Rental".
Remember the old Steve Martin bit about freaking out strangers on ski lifts by pretending you know their name? "I did this to a guy last week, and he thought I was nuts. His name was Rental".

[rofl] I had forgotten about that bit - I think one of the best skiing comedy routines was Bill Cosby's. Part 1 Part 2
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