Who Killed LaQuarrie Jefferson?

Nov 14, 2005
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While the sorrow, media frenzy and speculation continues over this tragedy, the NCL like many are asking this very question. It’s human nature to react to such a traumatic event by wanting to know the root cause. Determining the root cause accurately will help us all cope with the death of an innocent boy and hopefully learn from it. But will we? Will we have the courage to look seriously at this issue or will we hid behind the usual rhetoric?

Unlike the Boston Herald, the Boston Globe, Mayor Menino, Edward Davis and scores of others who want to immediately blame the inanimate object they like to label as an “illegal gun”, we believe the answer lies beyond this pandering of the truth. Firearms are tools, very much like a hammer is a tool. It takes a an individual acting on their own accord, taking full responsibility for their actions, to either use that tool for good or evil.

• Statements from Mayor Menino published in both newspapers immediately asked the question: “Where did the gun come from?”

• Clara Ventura a neighbor is quoted as saying: “They shouldn’t have guns in the home.”

• Edward Davis is quoted as saying: “No one in the home is license to own a firearm.”

• LaQuarrie’s father, Liquarry Jefferson, 27, is a convicted killer who is serving time for a string of armed robberies and murder.

Let’s reflect on these statements. There is no such thing as an “illegal gun”, there are however, guns obtained illegally by human beings who make a conscious decision to ignore existing Massachusetts laws. In this respect, LaQuarrie’s parents were model examples.

The gun didn't sneak into the Dorchester house and slip itself into a little kid's bedroom or under the stairs. It was carried into the home by an adult, almost certainly a criminal (large numbers of the adults residing there are convicts), and most likely by one of the fathers of Lakeisha Gadson's seven children.

And the Media, Mayor Menino and others are blaming this poor child's death on a GUN? By making such ridiculous statements, the mayor isn’t showing any sign of intelligence or understanding, let alone the leadership or courage to tackle this issue head on.

Instead he offers an insult to every responsible Mom and Dad in America who is also a responsible gun owner. Fortunately, they far outnumber these Dorchester idiots, by the way.

Blaming the gun is also unfair to little LaQuarrie's parents. They deserve the "credit" for his death, not the gun. No, they didn't actually shoot him, but making the unlawful choices that they did made his violent, tragic death far more likely.

Blaming the gun is akin to blaming all “Public Housing Projects” for breeding the violence, drugs, gangs and murder in Massachusetts. Why don’t we just ban these as well saving the tax payers millions of dollars and putting the responsibility back on those that live there to do better?

Today we’re calling on Mayor Menino and his Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns responsible to act upon the #1 tenant of their coalition: “Punish - to the maximum extent of the law - criminals who possess, use, and traffic in illegal guns.” (sic) The Boston Police and the Mayor already are empowered to trace this gun through the BATFE and determine its original legal owner. Do it. Finger prints on the firearm will most likely determine who brought the firearm into the home. Do it. Then hold those responsible – responsible.

Will his lying, thug of a mother or dirtbag of a "father" or the collection of low-rent criminals around him be held responsible by their community or the Mayor? Will neighbors hiss "shame on you" when they pass LaQuarrie's mom on the street? Will she, or the loser sperm donor currently doing time, feel any shame at all?

Of course not. Why should they? Do you hear anyone blaming them? No, the only thing we hear is - it's the “illegal” or “evil” gun, or the lack of summer jobs programs, or…any number of other lame inappropriate excuses.

LaQuarrie deserves better, and so do the thousands of other children just like him across America. It’s time to put these criminals behind bars – for good. It’s time to hold responsible (Mayor Menino, Attorney’s and our Court System) those who won’t hold these criminals responsible. It’s time to stop blaming law-abiding gun owners for the unlawful acts of criminals and put the blame on the lack of courage displayed by our leaders and the criminals they protect.
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Excellent commentary on the matter. You should send it to this sorry piece of shit...

A nightmare of negligence

By Adrian Walker, Globe Columnist | June 26, 2007

There were no gangbangers, no masked men, no scores being settled in the death of little Liquarry Jefferson.

The truth is even worse.

The truth is the 8-year-old's death was made possible by someone who didn't understand that small children and guns are an untenable mix. Someone who should have protected this child failed him, and fatally so.

Liquarry was shot to death late Sunday night in his family's home on Seaver Street, possibly by an even younger relative. The shooting appears to have been an accident, albeit one that might have been prevented.

The boy's relatives were said to be devastated yesterday, as any family would be under such circumstances. The family appears to be a dysfunctional clan.

Members of a delegation of clergy who met with them yesterday said they were surprised at how ill-equipped the family seemed to be to deal with the grim task that now awaits: burying a child. Family members were described as "a mess" by more than one person who talked to them yesterday.

The first version of Liquarry's death had a group of men bursting into the house and opening fire, even in the presence of children.

It was shocking, it was infuriating, and all the more so because it was, sadly, plausible.

That story fell apart, though. Police Commissioner Edward F . Davis said yesterday that the descriptions of the shooting by family members were inconsistent, a polite way of saying they were obvious lies. He knew by midmorning that the home invasion probably had not happened.

To the credit of the family members who met with the ministers, they understood that the phony cover story was a bad idea. They made a point of correcting it, worried about unleashing a massive police search for people who didn't exist. They told the pastors there were no bad guys, that the whole thing had been a horrible accident.

Not to defend lying, but it isn't hard to understand trying to explain away such an awful situation.

I would not pretend to understand the guilt and grief they must feel. Still, it only made things worse and sparked an unnecessary homicide investigation.

There are so many unanswered questions here, but the most important ones involve the gun itself. Whose was it, and how did it get into the hands of a child? Why didn't anyone in a position to do so get rid of it before it could cause a tragedy?

No one wants to criticize a family immersed in grief. But at least some of Liquarry's relatives are going to have to live with the painful knowledge that they let two children get far too close to a gun. That gun belonged to somebody, and it seems likely that its owner lived in the same apartment.

This death is a huge tragedy, but is it really much of a surprise?

There are far too many guns on the streets of this city, and they fall into the wrong hands every day. They are hidden under the jackets of pupils in middle school, and brought to class by children in elementary school.

There have been 30 homicides in the city this year, and nearly five times that many shootings. That's not even counting the near-misses.

There is plenty of talk about curbing crime in Boston. But there has been relatively little action to get guns off the streets.

To pretend that violence can be curbed without addressing the easy access to firepower is just a fantasy. Making a serious dent in this area's gun traffic is an absolute necessity, not just a political talking point.

This death is every bit as senseless as it seemed at the outset, just for different reasons.

A child is dead who deserves to be alive.

Liquarry Jefferson was exactly where he should have been Sunday night. The same cannot be said for the gun that claimed his life.

Adrian Walker is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at [email protected].

The first version of Liquarry's death had a group of men bursting into the house and opening fire, even in the presence of children.

It was shocking, it was infuriating, and all the more so because it was, sadly, plausible.

That story fell apart, though. Police Commissioner Edward F . Davis said yesterday that the descriptions of the shooting by family members were inconsistent, a polite way of saying they were obvious lies. He knew by midmorning that the home invasion probably had not happened.

To the credit of the family members who met with the ministers, they understood that the phony cover story was a bad idea. They made a point of correcting it, worried about unleashing a massive police search for people who didn't exist. They told the pastors there were no bad guys, that the whole thing had been a horrible accident.

Not to defend lying, but it isn't hard to understand trying to explain away such an awful situation.

Idiots... and why aren't they being charged with falsely reporting to the police???
Idiots... and why aren't they being charged with falsely reporting to the police???

Because, as Mumbles said . . . it was the GUN'S FAULT!! If it weren't for the gun, the murder wouldn't have happened and thus the lies wouldn't have been told. Therefore, the only one to hold responsible for this crime is . . . the lawful gun owners and gun dealers!

Everyone else gets a "walk"!
Several adults in that home are responsible for the death of the child, starting with his mother. She won't be punished because "she has suffered enough". The rest of the scum bags will walk because Menino and his police force won't do a thourough and possibly "politicall incorrect" investigation. A lot of hot air will be vented and the gun will be blamed over and over. Nothing wil be done to prevent the inevitable occurance of a similar shooting in the not so distant future.
Lock the shitbag mother up,she had an illegal gun in the house ,give her a year in jail, thier is to much bullshit, no one wants to take respon.i fell so bad for the child on this.
There should certainly be charges for the lying to the police. To charge someone with illegal possession of the gun they have to prove who brought it in the house and who was aware of it being there. Fingerprints on the gun may be the only way to know who was aware of it. The 15 year old has already been caught illegally possessing before when he was 13, so I guess he is the primary suspect on this one. I wouldn't be surprised if the prints were wiped before the cops got ahold of the gun.

I hate the term "illegal gun", the gun is never illegal just the possession of it by those prohibited by law or without the permission of the true owner.

Unfortunately they will likely let the criminals go and lynch the pistol.
I was just watching some foolishness on Channel 5 about this. In the story they referred to the gun being illegal because it was "unregistered". Nothing about the 16 year old being completely barred from possessing the weapon. No wonder so many people think that you can just go to a store and buy a gun. The misinformation is staggering.

its all total bs... maybe, just maybe if these jerks actually did their jobs and locked this freaking degenerate of a teen up in the first place instead of continually looking for ways to keep him out of jail, the little missguided sole wouldn't have had the gun that was obviously illegally obtained in the home in the first place, but no... lets not show the fact that our courts, police, social services and the government are so pathentically incompetent that they can manage to find which way is up... instead lets put the gun on trial.

Morons... all of them.
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...a**h***s...little f***er...f***ing incompetent...
Moronic a**h***s... all of them.

I know and can to an extent appreciate that people have a tendency to get animated and upset over this stuff. However, we must not let our anger and outrage degenerate into language such as this and always strive to be above the fray of incompetency that exists in our society.

In order to gain credibility we must not let these situations drive us to this kind of response. If we do we'll never get our message out in a manner that can be digested and understood by those we're trying to educate.

To that end, let me point you to an even better peice of writing than my own with respect to this: http://news.bostonherald.com/editorial/view.bg?articleid=1008595

We should all call the Boston Herald and thank them for having the fortitude to print it.
I know and can to an extent appreciate that people have a tendency to get animated and upset over this stuff. However, we must not let our anger and outrage degenerate into language such as this and always strive to be above the fray of incompetency that exists in our society.

In order to gain credibility we must not let these situations drive us to this kind of response. If we do we'll never get our message out in a manner that can be digested and understood by those we're trying to educate.

To that end, let me point you to an even better peice of writing than my own with respect to this: http://news.bostonherald.com/editorial/view.bg?articleid=1008595

We should all call the Boston Herald and thank them for having the fortitude to print it.

I hate the term "illegal gun", the gun is never illegal just the possession of it by those prohibited by law or without the permission of the true owner.

Not to mention that the term "illegal gun" basically endorses the idea that
it's okay to demonize an object. When someone gets hit by a guy driving
a stolen car, does the news/police ever say "Joe Victim was hit by an illegal
car" ? Course not. Why? Because at least so far, "our betters" don't
appear to have an agenda against automobiles, yet.

I know and can to an extent appreciate that people have a tendency to get animated and upset over this stuff. However, we must not let our anger and outrage degenerate into language such as this and always strive to be above the fray of incompetency that exists in our society.

In order to gain credibility we must not let these situations drive us to this kind of response. If we do we'll never get our message out in a manner that can be digested and understood by those we're trying to educate.

To that end, let me point you to an even better peice of writing than my own with respect to this: http://news.bostonherald.com/editorial/view.bg?articleid=1008595

We should all call the Boston Herald and thank them for having the fortitude to print it.

You are right, my appologies [smile], my post is cleaned up [grin]
Who Killed Laquarry Jefferson? Part II

Today from the Boston Herald, more saddening news on “Who Killed Liquarry Jefferson?”.

First, his 15 year old half-brother is taken into DYS custody.

Second, we learn that “…he allegedly admitted hiding the 9 mm gun used in the accidental shooting of his 8-year-old half-brother…”

Third, we learn that: “The 15-year-old has been free for two years while waiting to go on trial on an illegal firearm charge.”

Fourth, DYS spokeswomen Jennifer Kritz added this: “Kritz declined to elaborate, but said DYS is evaluating him and investigating his role, if any, in the circumstances surrounding the shooting.”

Fifth, “Two police sources said Liquarry’s half-brother has admitted hiding the weapon in a stairwell of the Theroch Apartments, 266 Seaver St….”

This article painfully highlights what’s wrong with our society. Why has it taken two years to prosecute this 15 year old on previous firearm charges? Why was he loose in society?

Why is a DYS spokesperson making such a ridiculous statement “…investigating his role, if any,..” when right below this we read that not one, but two police sources said he admitted to hiding the weapon?

Why is it that DYS and society are giving this thug a pass when he and the rest of the family are clearly responsible for his half-brothers death? In fact, I ask you to consider the fact that DYS (the State) may indeed have played a role in Liquarry's death by not taking appropriate action themselves!

I’ll tell you why. It’s hard. It’s hard because it forces people to take responsibility, something we all try to teach our own kids every day. It’s hard, but its right.

By contrast, yelling about a “declaring war” or “war on guns” is easy. That’s why Mayor Menino does it. Holding the citizens of Dorchester responsible for the community they’ve created is hard. But it’s got to be done.

Liquarry and other children like him deserve it.

Excellently eloquent and finely formed opinions have been popping up of late and in response to "that shooting". No, no, the other one, no.... THAT other one. Good now we are all on the same page heres a bevy of links in case you all havent read them yet!
.... crap never though I would curse linux... how do ya copy a hyperlink localtion? [rofl] ok directions... http://news.bostonherald.com/editorial/view.bg?articleid=1008595&format=&page=1

2nd page of that article hit the rate it link, and then go to highest rated on the top of the window that pops up, the top 5 are blasting mumbles and that family for their gross negligence in this matter.

Sorry for the incompetence on getting the links in there... [sad2] ill learn linux faster. If anyone else wants to post em up please do! Share the sanity it seems few and far between these days, a refreshing read they are.
(I know ending in a verb bad...)
Share the sanity it seems few and far between these days, a refreshing read they are.
(I know ending in a verb bad...)

It's totally ok to end a sentence in a verb:

Yoda did it all the time, and he's a 900 year old Jedi Master.

Good enough for me.[smile]

End unintentional threadjacking.
He was on DYS “conditional liberty” when his half-brother Liquarry Jefferson, 8, was fatally shot by a 7-year-old cousin Sunday night.

Jennifer Kritz, spokeswoman for the state Department of Health and Human Services, confirmed the teen violated his “conditional liberty,” a DYS term for probation.

Oh dear, violating "conditional liberty."

Bet THAT goes on his Permanent Record......[rolleyes]
They should all go to jail!!!!!
"Do not pass go - do not collect $200.00 - go directly to jail"
So instead the mayor offers them more services at our expense.
The only thing I would like my tax money used for in this case is a room at the crow bar hotel.
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