Who should I see IDPA practice 8-10-06 ?

No sure what your background is but it's a good time. Have you done any competitive action shooting? The SOs are great and will help a bunch- just watch before jumping in. Bring a gun (38, 9, 40 or 45) a good holster and mag carrier. About 200 rounds is usually more than enough ammo.
Tomorrow is a practice only. Just head on back to the pistol ranges and just tell whoever you see that it's your first practice. and say hi to folks - I'll be there for sure. Look for a guy with a 1911 with the Square & Compasses on the grips... and who looks like my avatar. [wink]
If you've never been to the Riverside Club, once you get there, stay to the right of the clubhouse, drive through the gate and loop around the field you'll see on your right. Once you see the field, you'lll see the pistol ranges we'll be using on the far edge of the field.

Park, grab your gear, and look for the guys carrying the clipboards, or anyone helping to set up the practice, which begins at 5:30 p.m.

My name is Darius -- look me up once you arrive. By the way, the club's web site is www.riversidegc.org. Driving directions are available on the club's web site.

Darius Arbabi
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