I think this vid (or a similar one) popped up on NES before. I remember commenting.
The only interesting part about this video is the history part. The rest is complete sh*t.
Funny. The history is a superficial gloss with a ton of stereotypes. I’d give him a 15% accuracy rating. Once he started quoting Halbrook, I knew it was going to go to shit.
That's worth noting. Switzerland is one of the whitest places on earth. They don't even collect stats on race and ethnicity.
It's like Vermont with bigger mountains and much more expensive. The thing that probably separates people most is language. Never been but had a coworker who was there for a while. Very peaceful/quiet and well-behave population, but very socialist-EURO culture...they like government taking care of them and generally trust them.
There is also a much much smaller population....8 million people. That's the same as what people refer to as "Chicagoland"...and many of them are isolated by geography. They have problems with immigration like most of Europe but don't have 10's of thousands of people showing up every month expecting "stuff".
The Swiss government *obsessively* gathers stats on everything, including race and ethnicity. There are about 9 million people living in Switzerland. Nearly 1/3 are foreigners. Yes, most of those are from neighboring EU countries.
You will see people of color on any street in any city. Less so in rural places, although Switzerland, like the US, imports farm labor.
(If I caught the right link, that’s in English despite the German in the url)
The one thing the vid captured was the sense of obligation that goes both ways in Switzerland. Yes, the Swiss, in general, trust their government more than the US trusts ours. (Well regulated in all things, not just militia …

) But the Swiss also have much greater opportunity to … correct … their government and courses of policy. The rights of petition and initiative embedded in Swiss tradition and law make it much easier to change the laws and constitution. (And objectively, for weird shit to make it to the ballot. My favorite example was “equal rights for housepets” - that sort of stuff NEVEr wins, but it gets voted on)
Switzerland has a homogeneous culture that looks like the matterhorn in the dead of winter.
They have a unified culture that doesn't have many conflicts.
Swiss gun maker about American gun culture and firearms...you need rules.
Great coming from a country that encourages firearm use and possession.
I’m afraid you are incorrect. Even leaving out the “non Swiss” population, you’re looking at a remarkably UNhomogeneous population.
Modern Switzerland is an accretion of territories previously part of other countries/cultures[1]. The German and French speaking parts of the country are vastly different. Now mix in the Italian speaking canton. (Search “Rösti graben” if curious about this)
Swiss cultures are as varied as the US - and the same, in that in general city dwellers tend to see things one way, while rural dwellers see it another, regardless of primary language. Indeed, one of the primary benefits of conscripted service is that it brings recruits from different places together in ways not otherwise available. Just like military service in the US does.
[1] Modern Switzerland is a result, mainly, of the Napoleonic War and Napoleon’s lumping together of a “Helvetic Republic” on his way through to conquer Italy. That disappeared with the defeat, but most of the modern Swiss border (and Swiss neutrality) was guaranteed at the Vienna Conference that ended the war.