Will you tumble my brass, or can i borrow a tumbler?

Sep 29, 2009
West Boylston MA.
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Hi All,

I've just gotten into reloading and couldn't afford to spring for a tumbler just yet. I have a buddy that said i could use his tumbler, so i didn't put it on my list of 'needs', but he's going to be away on business for a while.

So, i'm wondering if someone in the Worcester/Franklin area, or in between, will let me borrow their tumbler or us their tumbler at their house. Obviously I wouldn't have to stick around. I could load, let the tumbler run and come back in a few hours to do all the grunt work of loading, seperating the media and all that fun stuff.

I don't have thousands of rounds, but probably a 1/4 of a homer bucket with a mix of 9mm and .223 casings. At the moment I've only been loading the 9mm, so if qty is a concern i can take out all the other cases.

please let me know if something is possible. I was planning on taking some people out this weekend and i'd like to be able to get a batch loaded up for that. So i'm kind of in a pinch.
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A better idea would be to just ask if someone can polish your brass for you and then go pick it up when they say it's done. [laugh]

Then next time around invest in a tumbler, they're under $100. I have a crappy frankfurter arsenal that has been running for years, I think it cost me $70 or $80.

A better idea would be to just ask if someone can polish your brass for you and then go pick it up when they say it's done.

that's kind of what i meant but didn't word it properly. I'm currently getting yelled at to get to my homework, and the fiancee wants the computer to watch some of her TV shows. so i typed this up quickly, and probably could have worded it differently.

So is anyone willing to tumble my brass, or let me borrow their tumbler.

and Mike, i plan to buy a tumbler, but the whole fiancee/paying for a wedding thing took priority. I'm lucky i was able to convince her i needed a press in the middle of us saving up for D-day, errr, i mean our wedding day ;)
Just wash it on a mix of water and vinegar (1:2) with a few drops of dishwashing soap to avoid spots. It will do until you get a tumbler. Today is a sunny day, so it will dry in no time.
Shoot me a PM with your address and I'll send you a wedding present. I've got a pile of tumbled 9mm. brass and I think I can get 500 or so into a small Priority Mail box. I'm out in western MA, or I'd loan you my tumbler.
A better idea would be to just ask if someone can polish your brass for you and then go pick it up when they say it's done. [laugh]

Then next time around invest in a tumbler, they're under $100. I have a crappy frankfurter arsenal that has been running for years, I think it cost me $70 or $80.


+1 on a Franfurter arsenal tumbler you can get a whole kit with media , polish, and media separater from midway usa for around $68.00
Thanks for the help and suggestions guys. I didn't spend money on a tumbler up front because i had a buddy that said i could borrow his when i needed to. The timing over the past 2 weeks didn't work out, so that's why i got jammed up. I plan on purchasing a tumbler after the wedding is over and some funds get freed up. I wanted to do it right the first time and buy one, instead of a HF special every 2 years, so i'll be getting the monster that dillon offers.

Thanks again for the help, this forum is awesome!
unless you do a LOT of brass at a time....i'd get the "smaller" dillon tumbler.

I have a CV-2001. it is indeed a beast....but, it doesn't work as well unless it's REALLY loaded down (meaning i clean 1200+ 223 cases at a whack, 1500-1800ish 9mm, 1400-1500 38sp, etc etc)
I do both.

brass gets run in the vibratory tumbler to remove the bulk of the crap (carbon, grass, sand, whatever), then i size everything in large batches (for the rifle stuff i try to do a 5gal bucket at a time). once its sized/processed (swaging, etc), THEN i tumble with SS. I just dont see the point of getting the cases super clean and shiny, just so I can cover them in spray lube and run em through the 650.

I'm doing a batch right now. tumbled ~ 4k .223's int he dillon, then swaged all the primer pockets. they're running in SS media now. once that's done, i'll trim/chamfer/debur (the SS media has been known to "ding up" case mouths that have a sharp edge / chamfer to them)...once that's done, they'll get ~ 2 hours in the big dillon tumbler again with some brass polish/wax/whatever it is added (i've found it tends to make em oxidize more slowly...and they stay shinier longer), then they're stored in plastic bins, til I have time to load them
Watch all the internet sights, I scored my lyman 2500 79.00 shipped from opticsplanet.
amazon has good deals also.
A smaller one is good to have for small batches....im getting anoyed that I need to wait until I have enough of my smaller cal and least reloaded brass to multiply. The 2500 doesnt work well with partial loads. I even tried useing less media in the unit. not so good
harbor freight has them

The harbor freight at Mill St and Park Ave in Worcester had both a small tumbler that looks like the old style midway ones and the a super huge one that looks mean.

The first couple batches of brass I cleaned when I started reloading were done in a large peanut butter jar filled with brass and corn cob media tossed into the washing machine for 2 loads of laundry. It wasn't perfect but it worked.
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