Winchester 94's: pre- vs. Post '64

May 29, 2007
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I am helping a friend find a Winshester 94 in 30-30 and have found mixed reviews on some of the post-94 models. This guy is not a collector, just want's a shooter that he may end up putting a scope on. The pre-cross bolt saftey/"AE" models seem like a pretty good option to that end, and I have found a few nice ones on GunBroker.

I have an idea of the history and change ("cheapening") in the latter's production and was looking for some input from the group. Thoughts and actual experience with them?
From what I've seen, the further that you can get from '64, in either direction, the better.
I have several Winchesters made just before they closed and they compare well with the older ones for fit and finish. I've seen some very nice AEs also.
I personally don't have any serious issue with the cross bolt safety, although I would pick one without if there were a choice.
Some folks have trouble with light firing pin strike with the guns with rebounding hammers. I have not had this problem yet. It is pretty simple to shave a bit off the bottom tail of the mainspring strut to increase the force of the hammer.
The guns from the mid sixties and somewhat later, with the very shiney & black finish are made with iron-plated receivers cast of some material that doesn't blue with normal methods. I would avoid these, if possible.
The pre 64 guns command a hefty premium but are probably the best choice as they will always have more resale value than the later ones.
The best plan would be to go to the Kittery Trading Post and see what you are buying before you lay down your money.

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