You had a good run mp5...

Welcome to pretty much every sub machine gun style gun.
Except the mp5, grease gun and Uzi
Thompson, Berreta, PPsh, 41,&43, STEN, Sterling, M11, Mac10, Swedish K, S&W, and a few others.

Lots of prebans for the above around.
Looks like they went back to their roots when it comes to style, like m12 style.

their current designs, yuck. Chunky plastic everywhere.

Dude sounds like Arnold
Lots and lots of money also.
Anyone who can afford the subgun can afford a few mags, if not they're in the wrong hobby. [smile]

If they can't afford the mags, they certainly can't afford to be shooting it either.
Not even talking about thw mags. Just the gun alone
Well, that goes without saying, but your initial post was with regard to pre ban subgun mags in MA.
All transferrable subguns have gone way up in price year over year for decades. It's strictly a supply and demand market since 1986. They're not making any more and if you want to play, you got to pay. It sucks but thats the way it is unless the law is changed.

The mags for them have not and except for maybe a couple of very rare guns where there wasn't many around to begin with, the mags for most subguns are still available.
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