Zimmerman Bond revoked!!!!

Evidently, he's not the brightest bulb out there.

What business is it of the .gov to know how much money you have? This is a complete joke. How long did they take to press charges and now all of a sudden they revoke his bond? I hope he has a lot of friends who are ready to make people pay for this bullshit.
I hope he has a lot of friends who are ready to make people pay for this bullshit.

He does not. He's political kryptonite to both sides and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets shanked while awaiting a trial.
Evidently, he's not the brightest bulb out there.

Let's get this straight because the facts are being distorted by the media. At the time of his wife talking to the judge she had no idea that a site had been set up to collect donations for Zimmerman's defense. The site collected $200K and was shut down. Zimmerman acquired counsel prior to the bond hearing.

What will come out is that his lawyer has been payed $65K retainer and the remaining $135K will be his defense fund. Do you for one second think that is excessive for a defense fund on a 2nd degree Murder charge? Do you? Really?

The DA in FL is a bitch and she want's his head. Just like Nifong wanted the heads of the Duke lacrosse players. That didn't play out well, neither will this. BUT Zimmerman will be raked over the coals just like the Lacrosse players were. This is media and politicians at work.
What business is it of the .gov to know how much money you have? This is a complete joke. How long did they take to press charges and now all of a sudden they revoke his bond? I hope he has a lot of friends who are ready to make people pay for this bullshit.

It's none of their business. My issue is with the lying to the court.
Let's get this straight because the facts are being distorted by the media. At the time of his wife talking to the judge she had no idea that a site had been set up to collect donations for Zimmerman's defense. The site collected $200K and was shut down. Zimmerman acquired counsel prior to the bond hearing.

What will come out is that his lawyer has been payed $65K retainer and the remaining $135K will be his defense fund. Do you for one second think that is excessive for a defense fund on a 2nd degree Murder charge? Do you? Really?

The DA in FL is a bitch and she want's his head. Just like Nifong wanted the heads of the Duke lacrosse players. That didn't play out well, neither will this. BUT Zimmerman will be raked over the coals just like the Lacrosse players were. This is media and politicians at work.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets shanked while awaiting a trial.

Well... that would certainly solve the problem of a long drawn out, expensive, media circus of a trail, wouldn't it?

Never mind the inevitable fall-out and response that would ensue if he made it to trial and was found not guilty.
He claimed indigence to the court. If he had said nothing and not been interviewed, it would not be an issue.
It's none of their business. My issue is with the lying to the court.

There was no lying to the court. A BIL was running the site so neither of them had any idea of the amount of money that had been collected. GZ had been overwhelmed with legal crap and could have given a shit about that site. He had bigger fish to fry. Mrs. GZ testified by phone to the court because she feared for her life. Her testimony was that she had "No idea" of available funds. That's in the court records! This is politicians and the media trying this poor bastard before he even gets to trial. This whole thing is outrageous

The media has been distorting this from day one. Pictures of a 12 year old. Skittles and "Tea" (which we now have reason to believe were bought to make "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" a batch of Lean). The time line hidden. CBS editing the 911 tapes. This whole thing stinks to high heaven!

GZ will go down. He's being sacrificed. And if Florida doesn't do it, Holder will. The guy is dead.

If I was still flying. I'd call GZ up and fly him to anywhere he wants to go. Because he's a dead man if he stays in the US.
There was no lying to the court. A BIL was running the site so neither of them had any idea of the amount of money that had been collected. GZ had been overwhelmed with legal crap and could have given a shit about that site. He had bigger fish to fry. Mrs. GZ testified by phone to the court because she feared for her life. Her testimony was that she had "No idea" of available funds. That's in the court records! This is politicians and the media trying this poor bastard before he even gets to trial. This whole thing is outrageous

The media has been distorting this from day one. Pictures of a 12 year old. Skittles and "Tea" (which we now have reason to believe were bought to make "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" a batch of Lean). The time line hidden. CBS editing the 911 tapes. This whole thing stinks to high heaven!

GZ will go down. He's being sacrificed. And if Florida doesn't do it, Holder will. The guy is dead.

If I was still flying. I'd call GZ up and fly him to anywhere he wants to go. Because he's a dead man if he stays in the US.

You must spread some reputation around before giving it to FreeWillie again.
black or white 17 is still a kid...and when does a puerto rican have the right to call a black dude shady?
17 or 18, if you thrown someone to the ground and pound on their face, it doesn't matter. The "kid" had height and athleticism on Zimmerman and only a 20lb deficit... I don't know what happened, because I wasn't there, but there is no possibility of ruling out a legitimate threat to life and limb by the stats of our two contestants.

As for the "shady" comment, physical behavior is evaluated all the time - as they say, more than half our communication is non-verbal. So, your assumption that one ethnicity or the other does or does not have the right to evaluate behavior of another is invalid and itself racist.
It's really, really simple. Either he runs and hides or he dies in prison at the hands of a fellow inmate. He'll NEVER live long enough to be executed by the State.

During Zimmerman's period of incarceration he will probably spend his time in administrative segregation or protective custody or whatever they call it in Fl. He will not be in the general population. I think too, that, prisons are divided along racial lines (reality, not ideology or opinion). Either the Latino faction will protect him or the white faction will protect him, and he will not become "gang property" IMO, because of his notoriety. I think it is necessary to remember that he will have allies on his side during his inevitable period of incarceration.

The crux of the issue is still that Martin did not have any weapons on him, and was not engaged in unlawful activity, nor had any unlawful items on his person when this incident occurred. Zimmerman did his due diligence when he notified the police, and it should have ended right there...period. I will defy anyone to "prove beyond reasonable doubt" that Martin was going to make some "lean."

Yeah, Martin was probably a thug or a wannabe gang banger or a gang banger, but "suspicious" activity is not illegal activity and for the libertarian, MYOB crowd the reaction to these basic facts seem to be obscured. I totally agree that body language and observable behaviors are key components in communication, but behaviors can be interpreted in cultural context.

In another thread, a person in NH was accosted by local police with guns drawn, because he was target shooting. He was doing nothing illegal, however, he may or may have not done it on private property and the police report seems to be not an accurate account for that individual. Conventional NES wisdom is one of moral outrage and with great certainty many have decided that the police report may be intentionally inaccurate because the shooter was allegedly on property that belonged to a county court official. Maps appear to be ambiguous. Now I am not disparaging anyone or questioning their integrity, but how do we know that the police report isn't accurate? Why do we believe the poster...because he is a liberty loving, gun shootin' "Live Free or Die Guy"? I don't personally know this person, and while I have no reason to doubt the veracity of his account, it may not be accurate. It could be that police perception is something else as well. In that instance the police perceived that this guy was shooting on private property without permission and they felt threatened so when they approached him, they drew their weapons. I don't know what really happened and neither do you unless you were there and even then, eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable. Cekim raises a good point, but Martin may have perceived Zimmerman to be a threat based on his cultural perception. All to frequently, and I support this with anecdotal experience (which may or may not validate the following statement): Many Latinos have serious issues with African Americans and vice-versa. To me, Zimmerman looks Hispanic, not "white hispanic" whatever that means (absolutely nothing because Zimmerman has been tried and convicted by the Media, God Have Mercy on him).

I'll end with an experience that happened to me. I used to work the night shift at the MSP Crime Lab in Sudbury. I was on my way to work one night at a local convenience store in my town to get some snacks and drinks for later in the shift (Sudbury is not exactly a 24 hour town [wink]). I went there virtually five nights a week. One night when I pulled up in the parking area (on the side of the building, not in the gas pump area) I observed a young African American male in a very dilapidated 15 year old Pontiac or Buick by the side of the building with the engine running. I'm thinking that maybe a robbery is about to go down. I entered the store and immediately told the clerk (who was white) that there was a black guy parked along the side of the building in an old car with the engine running. (let me back up here, before I entered the building I made a visual scan of the store and all was normal, there was nothing, absolutely nothing going on except a couple of customers buying small items). This made me conclude that something was about to go down. The clerk said "Oh, that's my friend so and so, and he is here to give me a ride home because I am almost ready to go off-shift." So you see there was an incident which had plausible indicators that a robbery was going to go down, "suspicious activity" ...yet entirely benign, if the guy in the car had been white, I might have been less suspicious, does that make me a racist? Maybe on one level, but it is a factor in cultural imprinting. I saw something and came to a conclusion that was totally inaccurate based on what I saw.

Now some of you have come to the conclusion that Martin was going to make some "lean" and that he was casing a house for a possible B&E, but we don't know that which to my way of thinking is equally illogical as those who see Martin as a young boy buying Skittles who was viciously attacked by this "white hispanic" racist killer who gunned down poor little Trayvon (who looks like Obama's son if he had a son) who was minding his own business.

Opinion on this case is clearly drawn on racial and cultural lines, which is why Zimmerman cannot get a fair trial either way. That's the real tragedy. His biggest crime was being overzealous in trying to "help" the police. I know, I know when seconds count, the police are only minutes away, but thing of it is he did not see Martin commiting a crime. He saw behavior which indicated that there were behaviors which in his opinion could lead to a commission of a crime, but without proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Let George Zimmerman's ordeal be a cautionary tale to those arm chair commandos and wannabe cops of what can happen when their fantasies and cultural biases and perception collide with reality.
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IMO, because of his notoriety. I think it is necessary to remember that he will have allies on his side during his inevitable period of incarceration.

I don't think it's inevitable, though certainly possible.

Defense counsel would be negligent if they did not introduce expert medical testimony as to the possible consequences of having one's skull repeatedly bashed into a concrete sidewalk. Bring in a few police trainers and ask them what they would do if they were having their skull bashed against concrete by a physically stronger opponent, in a compromised position from which retreat is simply not possible, and had to choose between allowing the beating to continue or fire.

There is also the question of if Zimmerman confronted the subject at the end of a pursuit, or had followed the dispatcher's instructions, broke off pursuit and was ambushed. Throw in a bit of character assassination on both sides, and a prosecution that may somehow let it be known that even if they don't think Zimmerman is really guilty, sacrificing him will prevent otherwise inevitable riots, and anything can happen with the verdict.

He cannot get a fair trial in the court of public opinion, but there is still a chance that a properly selected jury could judge the facts - despite efforts by both sides to empanel only jurors predisposed to the verdict desired by their side.

he did not see Martin commiting a crime

And, even if he did, the risk/benefit calculation of confrontation, unless it was going to save someone from a violent assault, would tend to indicate that the person confronting the bad guy is doing so at tremendous personal risk and no real personal benefit.

Let George Zimmerman's ordeal be a cautionary tale to those arm chair commandos and wannabe cops of what can happen when their fantasies collide with reality.
+1 to that.
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I will defy anyone to "prove beyond reasonable doubt" that Martin was going to make some "lean."
You seem to have the same misunderstanding of the American justice system as a lot of people do. Martin is not the defendant, Zimmerman is. Zim's defense lawyer does not have to prove anything, only introduce reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case. In other words, the prosecution is contending that Zim killed the unarmed Martin with malice, but the defense can introduce the evidence of Zim's injuries, consistent with police reports and witness testimony, that Martin was attacking Zim. That would be the "reasonable doubt" needed to undermine the prosecution's case.

That will never work. Liquor stores and lottery sales will see no difference in sales. Lot of talk but nothing but noise. GZ I predict will get off because the jury will want to feel safe and GZ makes them feel safe. When he gets off I predict a surge in gun sales. Too bad it wasn't an off duty cop that lit him up, It wouldn't have even made the second section of the paper.


You seem to have the same misunderstanding of the American justice system as a lot of people do. Martin is not the defendant, Zimmerman is. Zim's defense lawyer does not have to prove anything, only introduce reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case. In other words, the prosecution is contending that Zim killed the unarmed Martin with malice, but the defense can introduce the evidence of Zim's injuries, consistent with police reports and witness testimony, that Martin was attacking Zim. That would be the "reasonable doubt" needed to undermine the prosecution's case.

I think that I have a pretty good understanding of how the criminal justice system works because I work in it. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that in a flight of fancy your critical reading skills went out the door.

The role of the prosecution is to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that George Zimmerman is guilty. The victim is NOT on trial, obviously However you seem to be totally oblivious to the other posters in the NES court of public opinion who are 100 percent sure that Martin was going to make "lean" and that he might have been casing housing units within the complex.

I think I will overlook your literary style, realizing that you are from Rhode Island, a governmental entity where people actually put tomatoes in their clam chowder. [wink]
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I think I will overlook your literary style, realizing that you are from Rhode Island, a governmental entity where people actually put tomatoes in their clam chowder. [wink]
God, I hope the government is not involved in clam chowder now. My local place offers three kinds of chowda, milk, tomato, and clear. I'm not saying which I prefer.

Anyway, maybe I did misunderstand if you were referring to the NES court. In the FL court system, nobody has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin was up to no good. Just the opposite, it's the prosecution's job to prove he was not doing anything wrong "beyond a reasonable doubt". I guess that's what I was referring to in relation to your comment.

Sorry if my tone seems condescending or pedantic. I don't mean it that way. I guess it's just my superior state school education.
During Zimmerman's period of incarceration he will probably spend his time in administrative segregation or protective custody or whatever they call it in Fl. He will not be in the general population. I think too, that, prisons are divided along racial lines (reality, not ideology or opinion). Either the Latino faction will protect him or the white faction will protect him, and he will not become "gang property" IMO, because of his notoriety. I think it is necessary to remember that he will have allies on his side during his inevitable period of incarceration.

The crux of the issue is still that Martin did not have any weapons on him, and was not engaged in unlawful activity, nor had any unlawful items on his person when this incident occurred. Zimmerman did his due diligence when he notified the police, and it should have ended right there...period. I will defy anyone to "prove beyond reasonable doubt" that Martin was going to make some "lean."

Yeah, Martin was probably a thug or a wannabe gang banger or a gang banger, but "suspicious" activity is not illegal activity and for the libertarian, MYOB crowd the reaction to these basic facts seem to be obscured. I totally agree that body language and observable behaviors are key components in communication, but behaviors can be interpreted in cultural context.

In another thread, a person in NH was accosted by local police with guns drawn, because he was target shooting. He was doing nothing illegal, however, he may or may have not done it on private property and the police report seems to be not an accurate account for that individual. Conventional NES wisdom is one of moral outrage and with great certainty many have decided that the police report may be intentionally inaccurate because the shooter was allegedly on property that belonged to a county court official. Maps appear to be ambiguous. Now I am not disparaging anyone or questioning their integrity, but how do we know that the police report isn't accurate? Why do we believe the poster...because he is a liberty loving, gun shootin' "Live Free or Die Guy"? I don't personally know this person, and while I have no reason to doubt the veracity of his account, it may not be accurate. It could be that police perception is something else as well. In that instance the police perceived that this guy was shooting on private property without permission and they felt threatened so when they approached him, they drew their weapons. I don't know what really happened and neither do you unless you were there and even then, eye witness accounts are notoriously unreliable. Cekim raises a good point, but Martin may have perceived Zimmerman to be a threat based on his cultural perception. All to frequently, and I support this with anecdotal experience (which may or may not validate the following statement): Many Latinos have serious issues with African Americans and vice-versa. To me, Zimmerman looks Hispanic, not "white hispanic" whatever that means (absolutely nothing because Zimmerman has been tried and convicted by the Media, God Have Mercy on him).

I'll end with an experience that happened to me. I used to work the night shift at the MSP Crime Lab in Sudbury. I was on my way to work one night at a local convenience store in my town to get some snacks and drinks for later in the shift (Sudbury is not exactly a 24 hour town [wink]). I went there virtually five nights a week. One night when I pulled up in the parking area (on the side of the building, not in the gas pump area) I observed a young African American male in a very dilapidated 15 year old Pontiac or Buick by the side of the building with the engine running. I'm thinking that maybe a robbery is about to go down. I entered the store and immediately told the clerk (who was white) that there was a black guy parked along the side of the building in an old car with the engine running. (let me back up here, before I entered the building I made a visual scan of the store and all was normal, there was nothing, absolutely nothing going on except a couple of customers buying small items). This made me conclude that something was about to go down. The clerk said "Oh, that's my friend so and so, and he is here to give me a ride home because I am almost ready to go off-shift." So you see there was an incident which had plausible indicators that a robbery was going to go down, "suspicious activity" ...yet entirely benign, if the guy in the car had been white, I might have been less suspicious, does that make me a racist? Maybe on one level, but it is a factor in cultural imprinting. I saw something and came to a conclusion that was totally inaccurate based on what I saw.

Now some of you have come to the conclusion that Martin was going to make some "lean" and that he was casing a house for a possible B&E, but we don't know that which to my way of thinking is equally illogical as those who see Martin as a young boy buying Skittles who was viciously attacked by this "white hispanic" racist killer who gunned down poor little Trayvon (who looks like Obama's son if he had a son) who was minding his own business.

Opinion on this case is clearly drawn on racial and cultural lines, which is why Zimmerman cannot get a fair trial either way. That's the real tragedy. His biggest crime was being overzealous in trying to "help" the police. I know, I know when seconds count, the police are only minutes away, but thing of it is he did not see Martin commiting a crime. He saw behavior which indicated that there were behaviors which in his opinion could lead to a commission of a crime, but without proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Let George Zimmerman's ordeal be a cautionary tale to those arm chair commandos and wannabe cops of what can happen when their fantasies and cultural biases and perception collide with reality.

There is one huge problem for the prosecution that you fail to address, the timeline, and the timeline proves that Martin did not go straight to his father's girlfriends house. Her house was less than a minute away from the scene of the confrontation. The prosecution will have to account for Martin's obvious doubling back. Martin's call to his friend proves that he knew he was being followed. A normal person would grab the chance to quickly get into the house he is staying at, maybe even call the police. Martin had to have a reason to stay out. It was raining, so I doubt it was for pleasure. That extra time and the failure to go immediately to the house cannot be easily trivialized.
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