Happy Thanksgiving NES and to all our service members everywhere .


NES Member
Oct 19, 2006
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Happy Thanksgiving I wish you all the best that the day has to offer!

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Cranberry sauce (an actual sauce, not the jelly glop) is simmering/reducing. Ingredients pre-fire:


Cranberry Sauce
Goes very well with turkey dark meat, duck, …
Ingredients (feel free to adjust or sub out to taste):
Grated zest and juice of three oranges
1 t grated fresh ginger
2 lbs fresh cranberries
1 can (12 oz) ginger ale (NOT diet)
1 t salt
1 pkg (12 oz) frozen raspberries
½ c maple syrup (NOT imitation)
¼ t fresh ground black pepper
1 t vanilla extract
1 c Beaujolais Nouveau
1 small fresh bay leaf
2 T light brown sugar

Combine all ingredients in large nonreactive saucepan. Simmer until reduced by half. Remove bay leaf. Whir sauce with hand blender. Pass through food mill (fine disk), then, for smoother sauce, through fine sieve. Serve warm (reheats well).

(Okay, not a huge secret: about 1/2 t ground dried galangal, about 1 t grains of paradise, about 1/2 t ground mace blade, and a pinch of Mombasa - I suppose Cayenne would work too - for a touch of a kick.)
...and the sauce is done:

Reduction complete:

Food mill (I don't bother with the boat motor any longer):


Glop (why the strainer):

Finished sauce!

Those "secret" ingredients:

Interesting story re: those bottles: Note the labels say "Herb Shop, Lancaster PA Central Market" - when we head down to the Rough & Tumble Threshermen's Reunion in Kinzers in August, there are a couple of Amish kids who sell homemade root beer - in those bottles - by the entrance to the parking area. Consequently we have a zillion of them, so I put them to use. [grin]
Happy Thanksgiving I wish you all the best that the day has to offer!

Agreed. It has been a good year for us. Lot to be thankful for. Right now, Jill is preparing the turducken (Turkey stuffed with duck and chicken, one of her Cajun favorites), while Lexi and little Jill watch their mother and learn. Yours truly will handle the side items and dessert. I realize that it will mean more gym time than range time, but we all love the holidays!
Presently 142 in the bird:

In about an hour I'll pull the stuffing to a sheet tray and give both it and the bird final fire. Looking for 170 final resting temp for the bird (it overnighted in brine, which buys moisture insurance), and 180ish for the stuffing, so I won't have to worry about bad critters. The stuffing's traditional, involving wheat bread, so I can't eat it. MY bread, too, from last week:

And no worries, I baked another loaf yesterday, which I'll put out with stinky cheese (maybe the other wheel of Greensward, but probably Époisses).
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