Additional new caselaw affirms: the police and the courts believe cops are allowed to kill people

Apr 10, 2024
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Naturally, the police have investigated the police, and the police have determined that the police have done nothing wrong. Therefore, since enough time has passed since the incident and it has slipped from the headlines the police have decided to let us know of their findings.

Not only do they have no duty to protect you, they can kill you with no consequence, even if you’re a teenage girl bystander or a kidnapping victim.

Whether you’re a victim of a crime or just some random person standing on the street corner any time cops are involved everyone’s safety is in jeopardy.
Wasn't that the one where the daughter was helping shoot back at police as dad ran and only gave up when her father got so fully ventilated that he was squegeed out of the truck?

Edit: nope, different 15 year old. This one was unfortunately caught by a stray round from police engaging a guy beating people with a bike lock.

If anyone would be charged with murder. It would be the dead bike lock guy. Same way the getaway driver gets charged with murder when his accomplices die in the commission of a crime.
To be honest, this story does seem like an unfortunate freak accident. Doesn't sound like the cop made a bad decision, he shot at an armed perp and missed - even top competition shooters with race guns miss sometimes. I wouldn't put this on the same level as when a bunch of cops unloaded on that kidnapped girl.
To be honest, this story does seem like an unfortunate freak accident. Doesn't sound like the cop made a bad decision, he shot at an armed perp and missed - even top competition shooters with race guns miss sometimes. I wouldn't put this on the same level as when a bunch of cops unloaded on that kidnapped girl.
So whose life is more important in that moment? The girl or the cop? Let's replace that cop with yourself or someone in your family who isn't a cop, you think if the result were the same you wouldn't be doing time? The officer has no justification to shoot someone who is not a threat to them, regardless of if it was intentional or not.

Let's stop giving people a pass because they take an oath.
To be honest, this story does seem like an unfortunate freak accident. Doesn't sound like the cop made a bad decision, he shot at an armed perp and missed - even top competition shooters with race guns miss sometimes. I wouldn't put this on the same level as when a bunch of cops unloaded on that kidnapped girl.
If I, as a concealed carrier did this, I would have my permit pulled, I would be arrested and sentenced to a long stay in the pen. I was taught that if a stray bullet from my gun hurt an innocent, it would be treated as if the bullet was intended for that victim.
If I, as a concealed carrier did this, I would have my permit pulled, I would be arrested and sentenced to a long stay in the pen. I was taught that if a stray bullet from my gun hurt an innocent, it would be treated as if the bullet was intended for that victim.
Yeah. Don't hold your breath waiting for something like this to be said about one of the hoi polloi:
The California Department of Justice said the evidence in their investigation "does not show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the officer involved acted without the intent to defend himself and others from what he reasonably believed to be imminent death or serious bodily injury. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution of the officer. As such, no further action will be taken in this case."
So whose life is more important in that moment? The girl or the cop? Let's replace that cop with yourself or someone in your family who isn't a cop, you think if the result were the same you wouldn't be doing time? The officer has no justification to shoot someone who is not a threat to them, regardless of if it was intentional or not.

Let's stop giving people a pass because they take an oath.
I think in an ideal world cops would have a legal duty to protect and not have qualified immunity. But as it stands today the cop was responding to an active threat, fired, and missed with at least one round - tragic, he should probably move to a desk job or get fired outright, but I don't see murder charges here. Maybe involuntary manslaughter, idk.

ETA: I'm very far from being a bootlicker and respecting the oath or some other BS. Just trying to think through this event logically.
This screams of freak accident. I don’t think the cop should haven been charged. But I also think if one of us common peons did this, that the same conclusion should happen. Although I know some anti gun DA would foam at the mouth since their only concern in life is to punish the law abiding.
This screams of freak accident. I don’t think the cop should haven been charged. But I also think if one of us common peons did this, that the same conclusion should happen. Although I know some anti gun DA would foam at the mouth since their only concern in life is to punish the law abiding.
That seems to be the consensus.
That seems to be the consensus.
when cops are not charged for crimes they commit it creates a precedent and sets up the expectations, that results in more lawlessness committed by law enforcement.
sucks to be a cop. yet a lot of cops in big metro area become cops specifically to be able to commit unlawful acts, it is a reality of who and why joins that force, as in all big metro areas the line between cops and gangsters is a very illusory thing.
and gangsters are usually easier to deal with and settle with, than always hungry cops who do know so well that no one can control them. at least in nyc.
"Defund The Police" is making more and more sense every day.
Amen to that. Policing in general is a relic of a different age, no different than the King's Men who would be just as likely to beat down 'yon weary traveler' for their bag of gold as the most dastardly highwayman.
Well, no. What we need - as with the rest of the government - is to bring them to heel.
The way to bring the government to heel is to remove the ability to tax and draw down the government to the proper size. Today we are fast approaching communism 1.0 where everyone will be a government employee. No more stern finger wagging lectures that are meaningless. A cop without a job poses a danger no more.
Did the cop have other options to take down the suspect besides shooting him? Of course he did. But as they always do in the name of officer safety, they chose the path of least resistance which resulted in the least risk for them. Isn’t it funny how that option also results in the greatest risk to the public. Here’s another example of we have decided our safety is more important than yours.
Did the cop have other options to take down the suspect besides shooting him? Of course he did. But as they always do in the name of officer safety, they chose the path of least resistance which resulted in the least risk for them. Isn’t it funny how that option also results in the greatest risk to the public. Here’s another example of we have decided our safety is more important than yours.
The guy had no firearm
He attacked a lady but the lady was close to the officer and he was ?20feet? away running away
Cop shot him with a rifle and it went through the drywall and killed the innocent person

The guy had no firearm
He attacked a lady but the lady was close to the officer and he was ?20feet? away running away
Cop shot him with a rifle and it went through the drywall and killed the innocent person

Fvcking A1 upper
Naturally, the police have investigated the police, and the police have determined that the police have done nothing wrong. Therefore, since enough time has passed since the incident and it has slipped from the headlines the police have decided to let us know of their findings.

No offense here bro, but that innocent bystanders death isn't the fault of the police officer. It's the fault of the mass shooter that the police officer had to respond to and engage. The police cannot be expected to hit their target 100% of the time. But the fact remains that the police had to discharge their weapons because of an active Mass shooter. That makes any casualties that occurred that day the fault of that mass shooter and not the police. Yes it's tragic that an innocent bystander died, but again that's not the fault of the police.

If some a****** didn't decide to go reenact Columbine that day, that woman would still be with us.
The issue is and will remain the clear double standards and down right hypocrisy.

A cop uses deadly force, and they are given the benefit of the doubt, all factors are looked at in the light most favorable to them, and their actions are judged by other cops who have a clear incentive to ensure it's seen favorably. Not a single one of those things apply to non cops. To us, our actions when it comes to using deadly force are looked at critically with a bias towards it not being justified. All factors are looked at in a light most critical towards using it, and it's judged by people who have an incentive to criminalize the conduct. As we've seen, in examples like the doordash driver mall shooting of the social media clown, his actions were deemed both justified and not justified simultaneously (acquited of malicious wounding and convicted of unlawful discharge). A cop would never even be charged.

Nothing about a cops actions are treated the same as the rest of us. We get railroaded every day, on things that are obviously justified while cops face no consequences for things obviously not lawful.

But what I really fine worse, is that cops can both be empowered to do things we cannot while being held to a lower standard, if any at all. I guess it's all the same thing in the end.
No offense here bro, but that innocent bystanders death isn't the fault of the police officer. It's the fault of the mass shooter that the police officer had to respond to and engage. The police cannot be expected to hit their target 100% of the time. But the fact remains that the police had to discharge their weapons because of an active Mass shooter. That makes any casualties that occurred that day the fault of that mass shooter and not the police. Yes it's tragic that an innocent bystander died, but again that's not the fault of the police.

If some a****** didn't decide to go reenact Columbine that day, that woman would still be with us.

Many states transfer these charges to the instigator, and honestly all states should as long as there's not egregious action. You shoot the next school killer, over pen and bag Mr. Garrison behind them, mentally that's on you, morally that should be on the shooter all day long.
The guy had no firearm
He attacked a lady but the lady was close to the officer and he was ?20feet? away running away
Cop shot him with a rifle and it went through the drywall and killed the innocent person

"Officers located the suspect, and an officer-involved shooting occurred."

My agency taught us to never use passive voice. How damn hard is it to just say, "...and they shot him"?

Passive voice always deflects responsibility.
No offense here bro, but that innocent bystanders death isn't the fault of the police officer. It's the fault of the mass shooter that the police officer had to respond to and engage. The police cannot be expected to hit their target 100% of the time. But the fact remains that the police had to discharge their weapons because of an active Mass shooter. That makes any casualties that occurred that day the fault of that mass shooter and not the police. Yes it's tragic that an innocent bystander died, but again that's not the fault of the police.

If some a****** didn't decide to go reenact Columbine that day, that woman would still be with us.

For the others who didn't bother reading or watching, this "mass shooter" tried to "reenact Columbine" by hitting one person with a bicycle lock.
No offense here bro, but that innocent bystanders death isn't the fault of the police officer. It's the fault of the mass shooter that the police officer had to respond to and engage. The police cannot be expected to hit their target 100% of the time. But the fact remains that the police had to discharge their weapons because of an active Mass shooter. That makes any casualties that occurred that day the fault of that mass shooter and not the police. Yes it's tragic that an innocent bystander died, but again that's not the fault of the police.

If some a****** didn't decide to go reenact Columbine that day, that woman would still be with us.
A mass shooter was non existent tough
Only a report of possible one and you know how accurate 911 calls are
One guy assaulting, one lady with a lock
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