Favorite Military "sayings"

Someone needs to blow up the Swing Landing Trainer.

My least-favorite (and least-useful) apparatus was the Suspended Harness. Thing nearly gave me a hernia when I had to do refresher training at Ranger School.

"Suspended Agony," everyone called it.

I think all you really need is the zipline-style PLF trainer (several times), the 34' tower a few times, and the thing where they drag you over the grass on a big piece of sheet metal while you figure out how to activate the canopy release assembly. The rest was all a waste of time.
My dad was in the Navy in WW2. When he was on liberty (drinking at a bar) and some Coast Guard guys wandered in, some of the Navy guys would yell “He comes the Jewish fleet!”. It always started a fight that required the SP’s to break it up lol
I once heard a crusty old Gunny say to a young LCpl (who was behaving as if he was more important than he really was), "I've got more time on block leave than you do on active duty, so you better get yourself squared away!"
heard this one in USCG boot camp - "eyes in the boat"

Recruits: CLICK! (while snapping their heads towards the DI.)


Recruits: OPEN!

Years ago I did this with the Scouts at Pack meetings and it really caught on!

A decade later, I still see some of the former Scouts and we still have fun with it.

Good times!
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