Foster Permit received - 267 days

Good luck holding anyone to that. Mine took just under 200 days (197 I believe)...well over 6 months from application in the mail.
To be fair at about 110-120 days someone called me to make an appointment to come in for prints and pic. At that time I was told it was approved, so it was just a waiting game.
When I went they were only doing them on Sunday afternoons and one officer was handling things (good dude BTW).

I figure one year from expiration I'll do my re-qualify ASAP and submit 6-9 months before it expires
Not sure if I have to go in an take another picture or not...hope not, but whatever
Interesting point here. My Foster permit was issued 3/27/2023 after 191 days. At the time the Reddit forums were consistently reporting Foster at 4-5 months. At the 5 months mark I called. Woman who answered said "I think I remember your name. Give me a minute." After a couple of minutes, she came back on and said "you've been approved but not scheduled yet. You can expect a call in about 2 weeks for scheduling. They called 3 weeks later, and it was another 2 weeks for my appointment for prints and photo.

I also intend on submitting my application 6 months before expiration although I am willing to try another town that does not require notarized letters.
Interesting point here. My Foster permit was issued 3/27/2023 after 191 days. At the time the Reddit forums were consistently reporting Foster at 4-5 months. At the 5 months mark I called. Woman who answered said "I think I remember your name. Give me a minute." After a couple of minutes, she came back on and said "you've been approved but not scheduled yet. You can expect a call in about 2 weeks for scheduling. They called 3 weeks later, and it was another 2 weeks for my appointment for prints and photo.

I also intend on submitting my application 6 months before expiration although I am willing to try another town that does not require notarized letters.
I heard the officer who does permits isn’t with them. And there was only one. So things are in limbo for a while. Not sure how accurate that is or if they made other arrangements.

Those are my two sticking points. I’ll submit to any back ground checks, prints, pics, I’ll even give you names of people to call to check out references if you want

But notarized letters of reference and signed medical releases are a no go for me. They go too far because no one has called them on their BS.

I’m contemplating submitted to my own town at the same time as foster without all the releases and sending a letter that says “I decline to provide releases because they are not required under RIGL 11-47-11 and I am not an affected person as described in 11-47-6”.

The only references that imply one can be compelled to provide releases for a permit are those affected under 11-47-6 (ruled incompetent/committed for mental illness or substance abuse).

Then I’d like them to point to the law they says they are required by law to get those releases. Cause it’s total BS

They’re taking the “well if you have nothing to hide you’ll just give us all this stuff”. Any commitments or disqualifying things show up in the checks. RI reports that stuff. So from where I sit they don’t have a leg to stand on. There’s nothing requiring signed letters of reference either. They’re just trying to create hurdles.
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I heard the officer who does permits isn’t with them. And there was only one. So things are in limbo for a while. Not sure how accurate that is or if they made other arrangements.

Those are my two sticking points. I’ll submit to any back ground checks, prints, pics, I’ll even give you names of people to call to check out references if you want

But notarized letters of reference and signed medical releases are a no go for me. They go too far because no one has called them on their BS.

I’m contemplating submitted to my own town at the same time as foster without all the releases and sending a letter that says “I decline to provide releases because they are not required under RIGL 11-47-11 and I am not an affected person as described in 11-47-6”.

The only references that imply one can be compelled to provide releases for a permit are those affected under 11-47-6 (ruled incompetent/committed for mental illness or substance abuse).

Then I’d like them to point to the law they says they are required by law to get those releases. Cause it’s total BS

They’re taking the “well if you have nothing to hide you’ll just give us all this stuff”. Any commitments or disqualifying things show up in the checks. RI reports that stuff. So from where I sit they don’t have a leg to stand on.
The fundamental problem is that most of them do not want to issue permits because they do not want private citizens to have guns. In order to achieve that they put up as many roadblocks as possible and could care less if they are illegal. They don't have to worry about getting sued because most of the state courts are going to side with them, the state government agrees with them, and they are fighting your lawsuits with your money!!!!!!
The fundamental problem is that most of them do not want to issue permits because they do not want private citizens to have guns. In order to achieve that they put up as many roadblocks as possible and could care less if they are illegal. They don't have to worry about getting sued because most of the state courts are going to side with them, the state government agrees with them, and they are fighting your lawsuits with your money!!!!!!
Individual towns have a less successful record when they get hauled into court. That’s how they ended up being forced to issue permits in the first place. They lose as much as they win
I applied in November, so another 2 months to go?
You may want to consider filing an app with North Smithfield. They don't sound as bogged down and they don't have all the silly requirements some towns are trying to add (medical releases, notarized letters of reference).

Last I heard (and it is rumor) Foster is basically at a standstill
North Smithfield absolutely has silly requirements and also need you to have a place of business or residence.
Maybe things have changed? Dunno

I got their app in early May and it didn't look any different than Foster
Also I asked the licensing long as one has an out of state permit, they'll issue

When I asked him to clarify if this applied to RI residents as well, he said (this is a direct paste from his email)
"We will do state residents who have an active out of state concealed carry permit. If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out".

I have the app, I can forward to you
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You’re the second person I’ve heard say that this week. I’ve heard nothing about it.

I know someone from 2nd amendment coalition is suing AG over the “showing of need” in his denial. Hope the whole hybrid shall issue/may issue BS goes away. Be nice to have one simple process but that’s a lot to hope for in RI
Please tell that person that since the AG's permit covers open carry and the town permit does not, the AG's claim that the town permit provides a viable need-free equivalent is not accurate.
Please tell that person that since the AG's permit covers open carry and the town permit does not, the AG's claim that the town permit provides a viable need-free equivalent is not accurate.
Yeah, they don't care

Open/Concealed is irrelevant to them. It's all "You're able to get permission to have a gun so what we're doing is OK"
I personally don't have a strong opinion on town vs AG, I just want someone to put the screws to local towns who are putting in stupid hurdles to discourage people from applying...wanna let the towns do it? Fine...make them all follow the same process and do away with the notarized letters of reference and prostate exam.
Yeah, they don't care

Open/Concealed is irrelevant to them. It's all "You're able to get permission to have a gun so what we're doing is OK"
I personally don't have a strong opinion on town vs AG, I just want someone to put the screws to local towns who are putting in stupid hurdles to discourage people from applying...wanna let the towns do it? Fine...make them all follow the same process and do away with the notarized letters of reference and prostate exam.
But a court might, and it is an issue worth preserving for an appeal or later federal case.

The AG is very eay to deal with if you qualify under their standards. Reasonably fast service (weeks, not months), the finally are in a location with a few parking lot, and if there are issues or questions they will respond promptly.

I don't think the "need" issue is an anti-gun action as much as it is a desire to keep the workload down. They would need to expend considerably more staff time if they became "shall issue" and the go-to place for out of state residents and RI residents with local departments that slow walk applications or add ultra vires fees.
Maybe things have changed? Dunno

I got their app in early May and it didn't look any different than Foster
Also I asked the licensing long as on has an out of state permit, they'll issue

When I asked him to clarify if this applied to RI residents as well, he said (this is a direct paste from his email)
"We will do state residents who have an active out of state concealed carry permit. If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out".

I have the app, I can forward to you
Please do.
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