Maine gun numbers tell a stark story. New caucus committed to changing them.

May 8, 2011
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It’s estimated that nearly half of all Maine homes have at least one firearm, and those numbers have risen since the start of the pandemic. According to FBI data on background checks, 70,244 Mainers tried to purchase firearms between March and August of 2020, an increase of 69 percent from 2019. And those are only the sales we know about: Maine law does not require background checks for transactions that take place at gun shows or through advertised sales, even though the parties may be complete strangers. Many of us in state government see the trends in gun suicide and other forms of gun violence as alarming, enough so that we have formed a legislative Gun Safety Caucus to work together on common-sense, life-saving measures. We have begun efforts to educate our colleagues and the public about policies that will address Maine’s gun-related crises, from firearm-involved suicides, to the recent spate of children shot and injured by unsecured firearms, to the ongoing tragedy of domestic violence firearm-involved homicides.

Vicki Doudera of Camden represents District 94 in the Maine House of Representatives.
Gee, I wonder if this "pandemic" might have something to do with that rise?

I mean, being socially isolated, out of work, having to home school kids - these wouldn't be stress factors.

That’s the kind of considered, logical thinking that the politicritters just can’t stand.
I wonder how they get that number 50%. The number in MA is easy to get. If you do not have forced licensing, no forced background checks and no registration they would need to get it by a survey. How many on NES in a ME situation would admit to ownership over the phone if no one knows?
I didn't read the story, but what is the "stark story" the numbers tell. I lived in ME for 8 years and I don't remember there being much crime or murders.
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