Weymouth doing wonkey things again.


NES Member
Nov 28, 2015
South Shore of Massachusetts
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Posting here so you folks at Comm2A know.
@Knuckle Dragger

Also posted in MA gun laws under Weymouth, MA Requires Live Fire.

For anybody picking up a RENEWAL LTC in Weymouth, the LO does not want to release your new license to you BEFORE the date of expiration for your old license without confiscating your old license. DO NOT relinquish your old unexpired license. You would probably be okay, but your new license does not activate before your old one expires.

Note, this is not in writing, nor is it for any good reason except it is his policy (verbal). Nor does this technically follow the letter of the law.

2 months ago, he did give me my renewal early, after I explained EOPS cancels your old one on your Bday and if you have a new one already it automatically would be activated and that I was aware of how to ensure it was active in their system.

2 months later he tried the same thing to my wife, (I was there) and I attempted to educate him on this again, but he put up a light stink so I backed down (she has never bought a firearm but does shoot, I'm more concerned about her having to use a firearm in a SD scenario).

He wanted to take her old (unexpired) license and hand her the new one (not activated). We told him that we would be back to pick up the new one after the old one expires. Which he was okay with.

If this is town policy, it should be in writing. But they won't do that after the last time they got sued for wonky policies. Smart on their part, but I also don't think this is done maliciously. I can understand his reasoning. He likely is concerned that someone will shred their old license prematurely and then attempt to purchase on their new one, not knowing it is not activated yet. Or that they will lose the new one and require a replacement while waiting for it to become active.

Really what should happen is that he explains to the person receiving the renewal license, if it is early, that the old license is active until the expiration date and to continue using it until that time. And to not lose the new one. But this is a nanny state.
I renewed with weymouth in August , license expired in September...they never tried to take my LTC but I am still waiting for my renewed LTC. Did it take you almost 6 months to get the renewal?
Posting here so you folks at Comm2A know.
@Knuckle Dragger

Also posted in MA gun laws under Weymouth, MA Requires Live Fire.

For anybody picking up a RENEWAL LTC in Weymouth, the LO does not want to release your new license to you BEFORE the date of expiration for your old license without confiscating your old license. DO NOT relinquish your old unexpired license. You would probably be okay, but your new license does not activate before your old one expires.

Note, this is not in writing, nor is it for any good reason except it is his policy (verbal). Nor does this technically follow the letter of the law.

2 months ago, he did give me my renewal early, after I explained EOPS cancels your old one on your Bday and if you have a new one already it automatically would be activated and that I was aware of how to ensure it was active in their system.

2 months later he tried the same thing to my wife, (I was there) and I attempted to educate him on this again, but he put up a light stink so I backed down (she has never bought a firearm but does shoot, I'm more concerned about her having to use a firearm in a SD scenario).

He wanted to take her old (unexpired) license and hand her the new one (not activated). We told him that we would be back to pick up the new one after the old one expires. Which he was okay with.

If this is town policy, it should be in writing. But they won't do that after the last time they got sued for wonky policies. Smart on their part, but I also don't think this is done maliciously. I can understand his reasoning. He likely is concerned that someone will shred their old license prematurely and then attempt to purchase on their new one, not knowing it is not activated yet. Or that they will lose the new one and require a replacement while waiting for it to become active.

Really what should happen is that he explains to the person receiving the renewal license, if it is early, that the old license is active until the expiration date and to continue using it until that time. And to not lose the new one. But this is a nanny state.
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