
I filed one about 4 or 5 months ago, and I got it back in just over a month. Current turnarounds might be faster based on the trends with Form 1s.
i called once an then emailed it over to the examiners, had it back in 2 hours, just didn't need it back that quick this time.
While that sounds cute, it rarely actually works in practice. Nice job on that cool secret though.

what rarely works? calling them and explaining your situation(i was PCS'ing on short notice) and having them work with you? works 100% of the time, what "cool" secret are you talking about?
what rarely works? calling them and explaining your situation(i was PCS'ing on short notice) and having them work with you? works 100% of the time, what "cool" secret are you talking about?

Apparently I wasn't clear enough for you: That does not work when they are overwhelmed. Read the other threads and educate yourself before neg repping someone. Multiple people have tried that on numerous occasions in the recent past.
dont make snarky ass comments that add nothing to the thread and you won't get a neg rep "dumbass". It's worked everytime I've had to take a course or done a PCS move on short notice, even during their overwhelming time(the entire year following Newtown) so it does work, but hey you apparently know more about the examiners than I do.
He confused you with nutsym16 (post #13).

I did actually. I didn't read who posted carefully enough. I also didn't notice that neither one of you are members on my phone.

Much of the accommodations that examiners and agents once made no longer seem to be happening. In the past two years the ability to fax forms in for quick approval and processing has disappeared. There are several members who have tried. I just realized that entire discussion is in the member area so you wouldn't have seen it. I personally tried three times last year with form 1's and 20's. The only time I got any help or things were processed with extra speed was when I intentionally put the wrong length on a form 20. Short of that, faxing and calling resulted in 30-60 day processing of 20's (and I even tried having my wife call the week before a shoot bc the form 1 for her 9mm had just been approved).

Long and short of it is that many have tried recently without success. What once worked no longer seems to but we would be glad to hear if you have better luck in 2016 since 2015 sucked.
I did actually. I didn't read who posted carefully enough. I also didn't notice that neither one of you are members on my phone.

Much of the accommodations that examiners and agents once made no longer seem to be happening. In the past two years the ability to fax forms in for quick approval and processing has disappeared. There are several members who have tried. I just realized that entire discussion is in the member area so you wouldn't have seen it. I personally tried three times last year with form 1's and 20's. The only time I got any help or things were processed with extra speed was when I intentionally put the wrong length on a form 20. Short of that, faxing and calling resulted in 30-60 day processing of 20's (and I even tried having my wife call the week before a shoot bc the form 1 for her 9mm had just been approved).

Long and short of it is that many have tried recently without success. What once worked no longer seems to but we would be glad to hear if you have better luck in 2016 since 2015 sucked.

What does being a member have to do with anything? I was a member before I got mobilized and let it run out, not much good while I'm out of the area is it?
27 CFR 478.28 - Transportation of destructive devices and certain firearms.

When I read the law it states that a 5320.20 is required to have prior permission from the director if participating in interstate or foreign commerce.

Any thoughts on this? I would personally still fill out a form 20 to be safe but from what I read it is only necessary for interstate and foreign commerce.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but a Form 5320.20 is specifically required for interstate transportation of an SBR, SBS, DD, or machine gun. You are considered as engaging in interstate commerce by merely transporting the item. This is long established law, and just part and parcel of owning most NFA items. (Silencers being the stand-out exception for some reason).
27 CFR 478.28 - Transportation of destructive devices and certain firearms.

When I read the law it states that a 5320.20 is required to have prior permission from the director if participating in interstate or foreign commerce.

Any thoughts on this? I would personally still fill out a form 20 to be safe but from what I read it is only necessary for interstate and foreign commerce.

The reason they include the "interstate or foreign commerce" language is to latch on to the commerce clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). It's what has been interpreted as giving Congress basically unlimited power to regulate anything and everything, since conceivably any activity (or inactivity) could be construed to affect interstate commerce. Simply transporting an item across state lines is included in the list of activities that fits that guideline, hence the need to file a Form 20 if you want to bring your NFA firearm across state lines.

There was actually a really interesting show about the history of the Commerce Clause that I recently listened to. It's at Radiolab Presents: More Perfect - One Nation, Under Money if you want to listen.
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