Coos District 1 up for grabs/maybe special election. Dalton, Lancaster, Northumberland, & Stratford

Jul 16, 2020
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Paywalled and no easy way to break it. Dalton Select Board Initiates Coos 1 Special Election

COOS COUNTY — The Dalton Select Board on Monday called for a special election to fill the vacant Coos 1 House seat by special election.

The Select Board submitted a request to the Executive Council, which meets next on Oct. 4.

In its request, the Dalton Select Board wrote, “We believe it is essential for Dalton, and for Coos County, to have full representation in the State House of Representatives as soon as possible.”

Former Republican state Rep. Troy Merner resigned from the Coos 1 seat last week after an Attorney General’s Office investigation revealed he no longer lived in the district.

The four-town district comprises Dalton, Lancaster, Northumberland, and Stratford.

Under state law, once the Executive Council declares a special election, the primary would take place between two and two-and-a-half months later, and the special election would be held between three-and-a-half and four months later.

If party nominations are not contested, the special election would occur on the primary date.

There are provisions to hold the special election earlier or later, to coincide with a regularly scheduled election (such as the First In The Nation presidential primary).

The Coos 1 House special election carries major implications for state politics.

As of now, Republicans hold a 198-197 edge in the House of Representatives with three seats vacant.

Democrats are heavily favored to win a Nashua special election in November, which would create an even split.

That leaves two vacancies — Coos 1 (Dalton, Lancaster, Northumberland, Stratford) and Coos 6 (Gorham, Shelburne, Randolph) — to be filled in the coming months.

Merner was a fourth-term state representative who won re-election in November 2022.

He finished second in the three-way race for two Coos 1 House seats, edging third-place finisher Cathleen Fountain of Dalton, 1,380-1,110.

Fountain, a Democrat, has already declared her candidacy for the special election.
I'm a little surprised at Troy Merner, you've gotta be beyond reproach. Someone is going to find out that you moved. Well, there's a former Rep. in Lancaster that might throw his hat back in the ring? What say you Kevin? I could change my part time residence to my full time residence, it's going to happen in the next few years anyway, but Seth King's in my seat. I don't think I'd ever run for Public Office but I won't rule it out.
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I would suspect that young gentleman in Lancaster has his hands full right now, but being a long term resident perhaps he could nudge someone.

and concur about Troy Merner. Especially after he pissed off the usual suspects while on the BoS. He had to know folks were coming after him.

Similar hatred is coming after C Gendrau in Littleton but thus far she is playing things straight and correctly.
Key voting dates: 5 December(Primary) and 23 January(General). If there is no primary, the general will be held on 5 December.

Special elections were also set by the council Wednesday for two Coos County districts – one in the Lancaster area and the other in the Berlin area – with filing beginning on Oct. 9.

Primaries will be held Dec. 5 and the general election on Jan. 23. But if there is no primary challenge, the special election votes will be Dec. 5 in both cases.

One will be to fill one seat in the Lancaster area held by Merner, who stepped down after an Attorney General’s investigation confirmed he hasn’t lived in his House district for more than a year.

The other is for the Coos District 6 area as state Rep. William Hatch, D-Gorham, stepped down for health reasons.

Her party status doesn't really change anything.

She left the Dems because she's part of the extreme progressive wing, and the NH House Democrats are too tame for her. She will still vote with them 99%+, and with the Rs exactly 0%; if there's a gap, it's because she doesn't vote.

Her NHLA rating is CT (Constitutional Threat).
I generally operate under the assumption that most dems that switch to I do that for similar grandstanding reasons.
Copied again. I can't get past the paywall this time.

Only update I have is this truncated article: Field Set For Coos 1 Special Election

NORTH COUNTRY — The field is set for the Coos 1 and Coos 6 House special elections.

Both will have contested Republican primaries and could have statewide impacts.

That's it. [banghead]

5 December and 23 January show up at both.
District 1: Coos County District 1

Cathleen A. Fountain, Dalton

Sean C. Durkin, Northumberland
Pamela J. Kathan, Dalton

All I know is Fountain is a far left loon and Kathan is a former, maybe current, town moderator who supports bringing Casella in as the town is currently poor as heck. That's all I know.

District 6 since it was brought up earlier.
Coos County District 6

Edith Tucker, Randolph

Don Lacasse, Gorham
Michael P. Murphy, Gorham

Edith Tucker and her fan club are vile pieces of human garbage. Former state rep, decided to run for senate and got beat despite slandering the heck out of Gendrau.
Only candidate that has jumped in so far is a far left D Cathleen Fountain out of Dalton.
If anyone knows any good candidates in those towns, they may want to look at jumping in if able to.
Even a not so good candidate is better than NO CANDIDATE!!!

This election is something our side can't afford to lose, with so little effort.

Hatch’s seat should be winnable by a Republican, if anyone will run.
Gotta find someone. There's probably a bunch of people thinking about it, who just need a nudge. I'd say start with visiting ranges, clubs, Legion posts, etc.

[banghead] Come on man
So besides the voting issue, we have mileage card issues as well. Not a good look.

Please keep NH free!
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