I'm a dumb ass

Jan 14, 2023
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Yesterday I went to a local reservoir to practice my spinner casting and maybe catch a bass or something (I don't think they stocked it yet). The weather wasn't too good for catching anything with the minor cold front approaching but it was nice to get out and my casting accuracy hadn't dropped off much. The only problem was when I as around a bunch of brush and tree branches so I was trying to get fancy. In doing so I stuck two prongs of a 1/8 oz. spinner in the back of my scalp (there's a first time for everything). I had a momentary panic and then decided to just pull it out the way it went in. Luckily no one was there to witness this. Yup, some days fishing are better than others. 🤔
so, you think it's better to tell several hundred people about this and have it stay on the internet for eternity than have only a couple people witness it? i get it...i think.
Now I don't REALLY care but in the moment when the lure hit it hurt like a bitch and I was saying a lot of #@!? words.

Sometimes experience is the best teacher.
so, you think it's better to tell several hundred people about this and have it stay on the internet for eternity than have only a couple people witness it? i get it...i think.
It’s funny, I like to put some commercial fishing stuff up on Instagram for my distant family to see. I threw up a short video of a trawl of traps, going off of the back of my boat. Another Fishermans saw it and pointed out one of the door bungees wasn’t secured

Old young insecure me would’ve deleted it. Humble older me leaves it up as a reminder to pay a Fing attention.
Got 2 prongs of a trebble hook through the "web" of my hand between my thumb and forefinger many years ago. Was in a canoe with my friend......using my favorite jitter bug. Hooked a nice bass.....3 pounder. Reached down to lip it when I got it to the side of the canoe and the damn bass jumped and tried to shake the hook.....when it came down it hooked me in the hand. So.....I'm in the back of a canoe with 2/3 of a full trebble hook thru my hand....and the last 3rd thru the basses f***ig lip. Good times. So I pulled the bass up into the boat and gave it the old running back football hold under my arm to keep it still while my buddy paddled to shore. f*** that hurt. He got out of the canoe and starts laughing his ass off cuz I squeezed that bass so hard to keep it still it shit all down the side of my shirt. Yeah....funny.....quit laughing and get your damn leatherman. He got the fish off first then says ok ill head back we gotta get you to the hospital. I said f*** Dat the fish are biting time for surgery. The hooks hadn't gone all the way thru so.....yup.....I pushed them the rest if the way thru and he cut the barbs off and the hooks came right out. I wrapped a rag around my hand we we fished a few more hours. Fish were biting good we got some nice ones. When we got back to the truck I noticed they holes were red and puffy so I did go to the er on the way home. Doc laughed when I told him how I took the hooks out....said yeah that's exactly what I would have done but just with sterile tools 😂

Tetanus shot.....bandaged up and went home.
I hooked my head I think it was with a lure. 1997. Ended up in the Hubbard Hospital Emergency room. Yes it was literally an emergency room. Lidocaine, and a Band-Aid, no stitches, no antibiotics. My friend's mother was the RN there, she recently passed away right when she retired. I was called captain hook for the rest of the summer.
In a past life I was a (hack) mechanic so I got used to minor cuts, burns, and bruises. Thankfully No ER visit was necessary for this one.
Soo, when I was a young lad, I was out front of my house casting around at nothing. I threw a cast and my big fuzzy lure hooked the pavement so I gave it a good tug. Next thing I know I have this lure threw my eye !! They snipped it at the hospital and took it out of the side of my head next to my temple ! My drunk neighbor drove me to the hospital and mum passed out when she saw it ! But it was the spike ricochet that ultimately took the sight from that eye. But that is another story…….
I'm considering crushing the barbs to improve likelihood of released fish surviving.
I’ve been crimping the barbs of all my flies/lures for years. I still catch fish and if I am releasing them I just reach down and slide the hook out. Most times I don’t need to touch the fish.
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