Looks like the Mass police now LOVE the Senate gun control law.


NES Member
Feb 19, 2008
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It was always a dog and pony show. They aren't going to buck the state and risk annoying Politicians who they need to keep dumping taxpayer money into their pensions.
I hope my club stops renting range to them, that may be the only way to get them on our side
This state blows
Ya my club does the same though I don’t know if they actually charge them. I feel like sending the police chiefs association statement on the gun bill to my club president.
Not sure how much it will help. From what I gather our police chief is not an anti-gunner
Ya my club does the same though I don’t know if they actually charge them. I feel like sending the police chiefs association statement on the gun bill to my club president.
Not sure how much it will help. From what I gather our police chief is not an anti-gunner
The thing to do is coordinate with members and get enough together to demand they don’t let PDs use the range or they will leave the club.
"And the proposed law would specifically ban firing a gun at buildings that are inhabited or “in use.”

Ummm... isn't that already illegal? Aren't Glock switches already illegal? Isn't the creation of full firearms from ghost guns illegal unless for licensed gun owners?

Serialize every part? C'mon now... that's just plain old gun control because ain't nobody gonna serialize all their parts just for MA. Wouldn't that then prevent MA residents from buying parts from other states?

For the illegal among us, they'll source all the unserialized ghost guns they want from other states. They'll shoot at occupied buildings without care, and continue to buy Glock switches on the black market And they won't give a damn.

Bunch of effing morons...
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Ya my club does the same though I don’t know if they actually charge them. I feel like sending the police chiefs association statement on the gun bill to my club president.
Not sure how much it will help. From what I gather our police chief is not an anti-gunner
Dont know about the "new" chief, but the licensing officer is great.
Haha back the blue, cops love being exempt from the law. What a freaking insane world we live in.
The reason why cops are except from these gun laws is not because they are "experts at firearms" (although they keep telling the public that), it's because they're on the government's side. That's literally the only reason.

The cop's job is not "carrying a firearm". The only purpose of a firearm on a cop is for self-defense. That's all. It should be no different than a regular civilian.
The police are the enforcement arm (or boot) of The State. Always have been, always will be. Individual cops may be cool and reasonable, but at the end of the day their marching orders and paychecks are coming from The State, so if you think The State is not your friend you'd have to be pretty f***ing stupid to believe that the police somehow are.
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