Max 9, P365,Hellcat, Shield, 43X

Jun 16, 2015
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With all the good choices out there I was wondering who here may have done some comparisons with these pistols? I like to watch Hickok, Sootch, FirearmGuy but they do it like a profession and I'd like to hear from average every day shooters.
We know they are all good companies, and I believe all the CS support is good. So if you have done comparisons with 2 or more, I'd like to read your input.
With all the good choices out there I was wondering who here may have done some comparisons with these pistols? I like to watch Hickok, Sootch, FirearmGuy but they do it like a profession and I'd like to hear from average every day shooters.
We know they are all good companies, and I believe all the CS support is good. So if you have done comparisons with 2 or more, I'd like to read your input.
Of the options you mentioned...Hellcat is most reliable, P365 has the most options and configurations, Max 9 is cheapest (and I wouldn't trust my life on it) 43x, Yawn. Shield, also Yawn.
I have had a P365 since they basically came out, I have probably put 2-3000 rounds through it and never had an issue, my biggest complaint was grip length (solved with the XL or free state mags), I have done the armory craft base plates and a flat trigger and I trust my life to it. I don't have huge hands so it fits me well. For me it's a carry pistol, if I'm going to the range to shoot for fun I will shoot other stuff and end my day putting a few mags through it for good measure.
I have had the 43X, Shield (All versions) and the P365. I think that the 43X and the Shield are better options in my opinion to the P365, with the Shield Plus being the better of the 3. All are great options but I thought that the G43X and Shield were better guns to shoot, more so the Shield. I thought that the size and shootability (if that a word) of the Shield was generally better than the other options.
I'll echo what Justin said above...I own and carry a 365. It was the first and best of the subcompact high capacity carry guns on the market. I have a plan jane standard size 365 with both 10 and 12 round mags and the gun is reliable and accurate.
It is a really nice gun right out of the box. If OP wants an optic, I think they come from the factory pre cut (mine did anyway)

Very smooth shooter and just about the right size for CC. Even fits in the pocket, but it’s a bit snug.
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