NH HB696, Gun Confiscation Orders, House to vote this week

Aug 14, 2009
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There is a red flag type bill: (HB696, link below) that under the guise of 'protecting the elderly' will authorize things like:

II. If the court makes a specific finding that it necessary for the protection of the plaintiff, the court may prohibit the defendant from purchasing, receiving, or possessing any deadly weapons and any and all firearms and ammunition for the duration of the order. The court may subsequently issue a search warrant authorizing a peace officer to seize any deadly weapons specified in the protective order and any and all firearms and ammunition, if there is probable cause to believe such firearms and ammunition and specified deadly weapons are kept on the premises or curtilage of the defendant.

Why aren't all of the gun groups fighting this? If someone sees a post by a group, please post a copy. I know that GOA and NHFC have drafted letters and emails against this. So has GONH on FB.

Why are the others MIA?

So they will take all his knives and hammers and gas for his lawn mower. Oh and his car, and his golf clubs. Wait that sounds crazy. Wouldn't it be easier to just lock the person up forever.
So they will take all his knives and hammers and gas for his lawn mower. Oh and his car, and his golf clubs. Wait that sounds crazy. Wouldn't it be easier to just lock the person up forever.

Yes but that would end up violating his rights. Better to just take all his shit...
Unless there is a website to address emails to the whole NH House at once, I've come up with a 3-step process:
1. Download the Excel file of members from NH House of Representatives and select the email cells (in Windows, without the column header, so click on the top with the shift down, scroll to the bottom and click on the last, CTL-C to select all emails)
2. In Outlook, follow the direction partway down the page How to create a contact group (distribution list) from Excel data? to make a Contact Group
3. Write your email and select the Contact Group from your People view in Outlook.

NHFC has a pre-written email in their latest email alert found here https://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/ - you can customize the title and contents as desired or email as is.

I've attached the list as a text string if it works for your email app - it worked in the Xfinity webmail app for me. If you need a comma or other spacing between emails, you might copy/paste into Word and replace space with comma or other.


  • 2019 NH House Email List.txt
    11.3 KB · Views: 4
There is a red flag type bill: (HB696, link below) ... under the guise of 'protecting the elderly'...

Oddly enough, the "elderly" are more likely to drop-the-hammer on a burglary perp, than the younger generation. Thus taking away their "protection" via a firearm...
What I want to know is where the heck is the NRA/ILA in all this??? I have heard NOTHING from them except that they want me to renew my annual membership and I hear about that from them every single day. As far as I'm concerned, they can kiss my back end. I emailed them as much and have heard nothing regarding the email I sent them in over two weeks, but I keep getting emails and/or snail mail mailings from them to renew my membership every.single.day. Why can't they put half that effort into reaching out to gun owners and legislators in NH.

It seems that the NHFC has done the lion's share of communicating to gun owners and legislators here in NH...for that, I have sent them the money I was going to send the NRA.
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Unless there is a website to address emails to the whole NH House at once, I've come up with a 3-step process:
1. Download the Excel file of members from NH House of Representatives and select the email cells (in Windows, without the column header, so click on the top with the shift down, scroll to the bottom and click on the last, CTL-C to select all emails)
2. In Outlook, follow the direction partway down the page How to create a contact group (distribution list) from Excel data? to make a Contact Group
3. Write your email and select the Contact Group from your People view in Outlook.

NHFC has a pre-written email in their latest email alert found here https://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/ - you can customize the title and contents as desired or email as is.

I've attached the list as a text string if it works for your email app - it worked in the Xfinity webmail app for me. If you need a comma or other spacing between emails, you might copy/paste into Word and replace space with comma or other.

The other side is killing us with their form letters. These are just examples I was able to find quickly. Why is our side SO far behind?

Democracy.io Makes It Easier To Email Your Representatives | HuffPost

Apps Make Pestering Congress So Easy That It Can't Keep Up
Coyote33, These are letters for congress. I agree that we need to create something like that for NH. In the mean time, adding the current list of email addresses to your outlook folder and sending emails is still the best process.
That's why I said they were examples I found quickly. The point is the other side always seems ready to go with form letters all set up, either for US congress, but also for state level. I understand you are doing what you can for short term. I'm saying they are WAY more organized and ahead of our side on these matters. The groundwork is already in place, even before a need for it is present.
Complete utter BS. I cancelled my NRA membership not too long ago and joined the NHFC.

I am doing my best to get others to stop giving any $ to the NRA and let their memberships lapse. Dump the NRA and donate to places like the NHFC.

Enough is enough.

The part I hated most about the NRA was all the bogus crap they mailed. I didn't join for trinkets and hats, but for representation against constitutional infringements. Hopefully they will get their act together and become relevent again.

End rant.

It's interesting you mention the bogus crap. I renewed NRA a couple months ago and got the useless bag gift. They have been bombarding me with emails and paper mails warning me I need to renew now and I only have days left before my membership expires. I am kind of pissed they spend my membership dues on useless shit mailings. I even logged in just to check and make sure they really think I renewed, and they do. Yet, the junk mail bombardment continues.
Can someone who has attended committte meetings tell me: For the Universal background checks or the Red Flag laws did anyone raise mass public shootings as the reason for these bills? Looking to get an Opinion written with the right background.
So no mention of mass killings/shooters at the committee meetings as justification so far? Just looking to get the right content to Union Leader for a Opinion piece by John Lott.
What I want to know is where the heck is the NRA/ILA in all this??? I have heard NOTHING from them except that they want me to renew my annual membership and I hear about that from them every single day. As far as I'm concerned, they can kiss my back end. I emailed them as much and have heard nothing regarding the email I sent them in over two weeks, but I keep getting emails and/or snail mail mailings from them to renew my membership every.single.day. Why can't they put half that effort into reaching out to gun owners and legislators in NH.

It seems that the NHFC has done the lion's share of communicating to gun owners and legislators here in NH...for that, I have sent them the money I was going to send the NRA.

The NRA supports red flag laws. The only thing I see the NRA as being good for right now is being the big boogeyman that everyone focuses on while we start to organize, support and build an organization that actually supports gun rights. GOA, FPC, NHFC, etc. But actual gun supports need to freaking unite behind ONE organization nationally and ONE locally in the state. We're our own worst enemies sometimes.
I was miffed that NRA’s NH page linked me to Write My Legislators for a 13Feb meeting today. Yo - it’s 25 Feb! Clearly, NHFC is guarding the NH chicken coop day, nights and weekends while NRA is focused on Federal politics (US House).

Maybe that’s just the division of labor that makes sense in these times, when dozens of States have multiple gun bills pending. I dunno if they have the manpower to watch 50 States real-time, while Democratic majorities in States are moving schedules, agendas, votes, rooms - all to muck up pro-gun efforts. The Mothers seem to know when, where the votes are happening - there must be some comms stream we can’t tap into for up-to-the-minute intel. They learned Facebook and Instagram are good for the Friend, Like, Follow masses but drive actions from their small core of “anti-gun patriots” on more limited channels now.

So maybe it’s not NRA or NHFC (or whichever State org outside NH is key), but NRA and NHFC. But support one, the other, or both. With $$$, time, and effort. Posts alone on NES, social media = nada...
1)I was miffed that NRA’s NH page linked me to Write My Legislators for a 13Feb meeting today. Yo - it’s 25 Feb! ...

2)... dunno if they have the manpower to watch 50 States real-time, while Democratic majorities in States are moving schedules, agendas, votes, rooms - all to muck up pro-gun efforts. The Mothers seem to know when, where the votes are happening - there must be some comms stream we can’t tap into for up-to-the-minute intel. They learned Facebook and Instagram are good for the Friend, Like, Follow masses but drive actions from their small core of “anti-gun patriots” on more limited channels now.

3)... Posts alone on NES, social media = nada...

1) & 2) are related. There is something going on that the opposition does better, for whatever reason by whatever means.

3) Posts on social media ARE important. The other side, and more importantly, the uninformed, need to know there are people supporting pro-2A causes. They need to know we're not going away, and that there are many of us. Even if just to sign in and say no to their proposition, or to offer a counter point of view. Winning "mindshare" IS important.
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A sad day. Cuomo signed the New York version of red flag into law today.
It may have been amended. The radio said that gun removal requests would be made to a judge and a hearing would be held to determine whether guns should be removed

The originally proposed legislation had gun confiscation as the FIRST step in the process after a request is made.
Also, the radio report did not mention the type of hearing that is required or whether the gun owner would be included, allowed to defend himself.

I apologize for the dupe, if this is one. I am still on the first page of new posts

Your post has nothing to do with NH or HB696.

Mods, please move it to where ever it needs to go as to not distract from the subject at had here.

Actually has a lot to do with Red Flag laws all across the country. The structure of these laws are being conceived and written by the same group of anti-gun nuts and the politicians are being bribed from the same coffers
Folks, a couple things. First, let’s keep this thread on topic about the NH bill.

Second, unless you are a moderator you don’t get to tell other people what to post or not post.

Third, dial it back or I’ll start handing out warnings.
My Letter to the Editor submitted to Union Leader last week was not published. John Lott submitted a Opinion directly to the editor’s email address and it was not acknowledged or published. Stuff in today’s edition on licensing puppy sales....yeah. The Right to Raise and Sell Puppies takes priority.

Someone in my company resigned and I’m stuck doing 4 webinars for West Coast, East Coast, UK and Middle East today so cannot attend the House meetings as planned. Whoever goes please take notes and report back. Thanks!
Unless there is a website to address emails to the whole NH House at once, I've come up with a 3-step process:
1. Download the Excel file of members from NH House of Representatives and select the email cells (in Windows, without the column header, so click on the top with the shift down, scroll to the bottom and click on the last, CTL-C to select all emails)
2. In Outlook, follow the direction partway down the page How to create a contact group (distribution list) from Excel data? to make a Contact Group
3. Write your email and select the Contact Group from your People view in Outlook.

NHFC has a pre-written email in their latest email alert found here https://www.nhfc-ontarget.org/ - you can customize the title and contents as desired or email as is.

I've attached the list as a text string if it works for your email app - it worked in the Xfinity webmail app for me. If you need a comma or other spacing between emails, you might copy/paste into Word and replace space with comma or other.

Use this email forwarder: [email protected]

Yes I placed the REMOVEME text in their to keep spam down so remove that text to send to all NH house reps.
My Letter to the Editor submitted to Union Leader last week was not published. John Lott submitted a Opinion directly to the editor’s email address and it was not acknowledged or published. Stuff in today’s edition on licensing puppy sales....yeah. The Right to Raise and Sell Puppies takes priority.

Someone in my company resigned and I’m stuck doing 4 webinars for West Coast, East Coast, UK and Middle East today so cannot attend the House meetings as planned. Whoever goes please take notes and report back. Thanks!

Like NH and it's condition thereof, the Union Leader is not the paper I grew up with...it's just another hackrag. Both Loeb's (William and Nackey) are spinning in their collective graves.
Even a mere 10 years ago it was a pretty good rag as rags go........

Last couple years its earned the nickname "Union Liar".......pretty hilarious that they got rid of the comments sections because the commenters were better informed and more intelligent than the UL writers

Almost every liberal or near liberal outlet, news or otherwise, has pulled their comments section for obvious reasons. Like you said, a lot of the readers are far better informed than their "journalists". They don't like being corrected when spouting outright lies.
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