No March '24 giveaway?

i myself have had good luck with karma drawings. won a bunch of 'em and i've gotten a lot of useful to me items. i remember a treasure one time, i had been trying to locate a para ord. owners manual. one came up for karma and damn, i won it. even para had none to spare. of course i was the only entry but nevertheless, i got what i was looking for.
The amount of hardcore lurker skinflints around here never ceases to amaze me. They will never beat @Marty McFly tho with his cumbys wallhack. I think they're onto him though the cumbyscoffee is now like $1.83 or something. That's how you know we're in inflation land, when a company that was selling coffee for around a buck and giving it away for free now sells it for $1.83 and nobody cares because it's a steal in this economy.
Arizona HFCS in a can still $.99?
i myself have had good luck with karma drawings. won a bunch of 'em and i've gotten a lot of useful to me items. i remember a treasure one time, i had been trying to locate a para ord. owners manual. one came up for karma and damn, i won it. even para had none to spare. of course i was the only entry but nevertheless, i got what i was looking for.
Karma is legit

My son's first gun was a 22 bolt that someone else won and offered up to him since he had just recently got his FID at 15.
It was out at a range trip two weeks ago with both my kids and their cousin (he's waiting on his LTC contrary to his parents wishes - might just build him a Ghetto Glock to piss off the in-laws).

But that reminds me that I need to put up a Ghetto G17 for a GOAL/Com2a/etc donation drive against H4139
I'm a good guy: If it's a gun I really don't want, I won't enter.
I've been arrested and jailed for serious felony gun offenses multiple times.. BUT they were all in Massachusetts so I should be OK to enter, yes?? (sarc, but I'm guessing there are many MA residents - and probably more than one or two of the newly arrived, um, 'Migrants' who fit this description... Yes/No? 🥴)

Just sayin'
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