Project Appleseed Event @Alder Brook Sportsman's Association, Littleton, NH, October 15th & 16th


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
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Hello, once again fellow NESers. The year is coming to an end, winter is coming, and Project Appleseed NH is winding down with its last few dates this year.

Two weeks from today, there will be another Appleseed event in Littleton, NH at the Alder Brook Sportsman's Association. This is already looking like it will be the largest Appleseed event, not only this year but might be the largest for any NH event. At least that I know of. Thus far it looks like there will be 24 shooters on the line. But don't worry, I'm currently counting Eight maybe Nine Instructors. This is looking like it's going to be a great turnout.

There appears to be 6 seats still available! Is there anyone already signed up for this event? Are you looking to sign up, cause it might fill up sooner rather than later.

I have never been to Alder Brook, so I don't know what the course of fire will look like, but if you have any specific questions let me know and I'll try to look into it for you.

Appleseeds looks back to that fateful day on April 19th, 1775. Appleseed instructors tell the story of what happened that day, and how great men made a lasting effect on the world. How their sacrifices and desire for liberty would form a new nation the world had never seen before. Appleseed takes us back and recounts the events of that day and how marksmanship played a role in overcoming the strongest military force in the world had ever known.

Appleseed is a great instructional event that examines our history and teaches the skills of what those brave men were, Riflemen. It's an exciting two days of skills training and history. You will learn how to shoot and the history of how we got here.

If you're a seasoned marksman come on out and earn your Rifleman patch. Better yet come on out and start the process to become an instructor. NH is looking to expand to new locations, add on new instructors, and build out the number of events they hold each year.

If you're new to rifle marksmanship or shooting at all, then what better place to start learning, than at an Appleseed event. The teaching focuses on safety and traditional rifle skills from standing, sitting/kneeling, and prone positions. The instructors review topics such as Natural Point of Aim, Six Steps to Firing the Shot, learning to shoot from a sling, Steady Hold Factors, Target Detection, Environmental factors, Scope and sight adjustments, and much much more.

It's a very very safe weekend of shooting, comradery, and history. If it's just you, they would be happy to have you, but it's not uncommon to see whole families and friends show up for a great day together.

If you have any questions visit Project Appleseed for more information. You can sign up at this Link, or feel free to PM me or post in the thread.

A great blog on what a Rifleman is is here.

Hope to see you there.
Only a few days left to sign up. Are there any NES members currently signed up for this shoot? It's going to be a great weekend of Revolutionary War history and Marksmanship!!!!!
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