Red flag laws ruled unconstituional in NY supreme court


NES Member
May 21, 2022
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I follow the guns & gadgets YouTube channel which always has relevant 2A news, and they very recently posted the above video detailing a recent development in NY where red flag laws were deemed unconstitutional. Justice Thomas E. Moran, of the Rochester based Monroe County Supreme Court struck down these laws in a 10 page decision, in a case entitled G.W. v. C.N., 2022 NY Slip Op 22392 (Monroe County Sup. Ct. 2022).

Pretty cool to see the tide swing this way. I'm admittedly a bit underinformed in this subject, but he did mention another Massachusetts case as precedent (my home state).

If this was posted anywhere else, apologies and feel free to delete.
Jared was mentioning a case in Mass where the Supreme Court found that guns were unconstitutionally taken from a gun owner during a medical episode, now I know a RI case where the Cranston cops tricked a wife into letting them take the husband's guns when he was taken for a psych evaluation so I wondering if there was more than 1 case or if Jared was thinking of the RI one? I believe it was a 4th amendment case
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The idea that the government can regulate any part of the Constitution is insane. Wasn't the Constitution created to protect us, meaning we the people against government tyranny? Every gun law ever written was only meant to control the people by depriving us of our constitutional rights, not to prevent crime.
The idea that the government can regulate any part of the Constitution is insane. Wasn't the Constitution created to protect us, meaning we the people against government tyranny?
Not exactly.
The Constitution was written to construct the framework under which our government operates.
The Bill of Rights amends that constitution to implement certain restraints on said government. Those restraints help us protect ourselves from tyranny.

Every gun law ever written was only meant to control the people by depriving us of our constitutional rights, not to prevent crime.
Laws don't prevent crime. They describe it. The effect of our current laws with respect to firearms is to generally deprive us of rights.

Without careful investigation, it's hard to say that "every" one of them was "meant to control the people." Even a purely cynical view might accept, for example, that requiring members of the militia to keep a minimum materials in hand was for the genuine purpose of protecting the People.
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