State House Dome: 'Flipped' House leads to policy reversals

May 8, 2011
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For the past two years, under Democratic control, the House was pro-abortion rights, pro-gun control, pro-independent redistricting commission and pro-education aid overhaul. Last week, the narrow Republican majority caucus in the House hung together to take actions that reversed every one of those subject positions.
Step 1: Invent problem
Step 2: Come up with the worst solution to invented problem.
Step 3: Pretend problem and solution wasn't your doing
Step 4: Revert back to original state
Step 5: Pat selves on back. What would the country do with out our great leaders?
Step 6: Vote yourselves a raise
How short Dems memories are, complaining about locking the doors when Shurtleff did the same thing less than a year ago!

House Speaker Sherman Packard said:
“Legislation is going to get passed that the Democratic caucus hates...Last session, legislation was passed that the Republican caucus hated. That’s just the way it works.”
I love how the dems refuse to fight fair. Dont like that you lost the majority? Walk out in an attempt to halt all business of the congress. Smh.
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