Thirteen Colonies


Navy Veteran
NES Member
Dec 17, 2010
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OK...I got sucked into it...I worked a couple stations the day it started, mainly because I heard the NH station calling. I worked him, talked a bit 'cause I knew him personally and then worked a couple of others. Last night I sat down and worked the rest. I couldn't hear either of the European (France & England) stations but you didn't need to work them to get the certificate. The hardest one to get last night was the Virginia station because I was surrounded by T-Storms and they were only running 50 watts. The static crashes were LOUD. I was running about a kilowatt and they had a hard time hearing me too. I've never been much of a certificate chaser but what the heck, I'll turn in the logs for this. Anyone else here participate?
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I just signed up to work as a K2H station in MA for 13 Colonies this year. I don't know quite what to expect, whether it'll be running a crazy pileup or just dribs and drabs. Probably a combo of the two. It should be fun either way. I've never worked a special event station before. I'm gonna try my hand at CW too. I've run a frequency before but never one that generated much of a pileup. For sideband I've run pileups and that's a blast.

Conveniently I think I'll be off of work that week, so I imagine I'll be putting a hurting on some batteries.
I just signed up to work as a K2H station in MA for 13 Colonies this year. I don't know quite what to expect, whether it'll be running a crazy pileup or just dribs and drabs. Probably a combo of the two. It should be fun either way. I've never worked a special event station before. I'm gonna try my hand at CW too. I've run a frequency before but never one that generated much of a pileup. For sideband I've run pileups and that's a blast.

Conveniently I think I'll be off of work that week, so I imagine I'll be putting a hurting on some batteries.
That is awesome! Yeah they sure do generate some pileups- everyone looking for a sweep of the 13 col and sp events. Pick the least covered band/mode as possible. Evenings and Weekends probably busier.

Look forward to working u.

Thanks. Yeah that's my usual plan. I'll have all week so I'll probably change it up. They use a spreadsheet to keep OPs from working the same band on the same mode at the same time and I'm not sure how that all works. Do people plan their slots ahead of time? Is it open enough to grab a slot in the morning for that day? That'll all be part of the learning experience. There are enough bands that I'm sure there'll always be an open slot. Everything but 60m is fair game.

I may regret it, but I do want to take at least on one- or two-hour shift on CW. The exchange is simple, so I'm confident I can do it. But I've only called CQ on QRP except maybe during WFD and VT QSO Party.
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